Chapter 2- A

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"Khalas" stop.
He paused and turned around. "Are you my husband, you have not said anything but walk to the car" I called out.
He let out a giggle which turned into a loud laugh.
"You are such an observant eagle" He sniffled between laughs.
'"I may even call you an eagle" He shook his head, still laughing and opened the car door, he then opened the car boot and popped my suitcases in.
"And to answer your question, i am not, i'm the driver" He turned on the engine and we were off. I was quiet the whole journey, soft arabic music playing in the background, the driver waving his hands to the music. In fact, i knew of some of the songs, but i kept silent. I thought about how i would be so happy the rest of my life, i would help my brother heal in time. It was like a jigsaw puzzle connecting again, finally finding the pieces. I knew that I wouldn't be able to help my brother heal quickly because of trauma, I couldn't start to imagine the amount of suffering he had seen and endured. I needed to give him time to heal and accept his flaws.

After two hours, I had arrived at the place they were staying. I would stay here until i had found my brother again.
The driver yawned and opened the door for me while taking my suitcases.
He opened the massive front doors and I quickly took of my shoes. All I wanted at that moment was to stay outside; it was like different air. Arabic music playing in the distance, presumably people would be dancing to it. It had only turned six, but still people were lively.
The soft moon looking back at her, as she stood astonished at its beauty. The moon was the light of life.

Alia sat down on the rocky terrain and looked out to the distance, bright lights of homes with many people, people with diffrent stories and lives. She looked back at the house that they lived in. it was beautiful, the house stood on the side of the city, where it was more above, more cliffy. The house overlooked the dazzling city, it was perfect. It was private, content much like the owner. How was he earning the money to get this house? What was his job? She didn't know anything about him, but was it her place to? It was a short amount of time when she would meet her brother and they would go back to Turkey. She wondered how she could help Reizan get to turkey. Why did he exactly need help? Questions running through her mind endlessly, the night breeze causing the end of her nose to go softish pink.

"Miss!" A voice called from inside the house. She passed through the gates and looked around her surroundings, there was greenery around her, flowers, plants, hanging plants from the walls, large trees looming over the house. She had gotten carried away when another shout caused her legs to sweep her away. A small maid came into her view, innocent and young, but Alia wanted to make sure there was nothing to be scared of.
"Miss do you need any help?" She asked fiddling with her nails.
"No.. thank you " i smiled showing her that there was nothing to be afraid of.
"Who assigned you?" I asked while asking her to sit down. I felt like intruding asking her to sit in a house which wasn't mine anyway.
"Sir did. Mr Asim" She said.
"Reizan?" I asked curiously.
"I do not know his name, I have only been working for Mr Asim and Miss Anaya for a few months " She said.
"Miss Anaya" surely it had to be his sister, but grandmother never told me Reizan had a sister
"Thank you for speaking with me" I said, as I began to walk upstairs. "You are dismissed since it is late night" I smiled, before I heard a voice.
"No miss, I have to tend to Anaya" She said before walking up the stairs further from me.
Why did her sister not want to meet me or welcome me?
I followed Fatma to try and see who Anaya was. She entered the room and left the door open, as I soon followed, I looked around hoping to see a girly room, however my eyes was met with a crib and toys scattered on the floor. I looked towards the crib and walked up to it, where Fatma was picking up the toys and putting them back into the cupboards.
"She is about 1 year old" Fatma began. "One day she just came to this house, I hadn't ever seen her  before"
I was stuck for words. "... is she his?" I asked.
"If I knew I would say miss but unfortunately I don't." She sighed, and looked around the room where it was now clean and tidy.
"Do you want my factual opinion?" Fatma smiled and sat down on the small single bed beside the crib.
I nodded and sat beside her.
"I think she is related to him somehow, I think his niece." Before I could speak, Anaya started sniffling in her sleep. We both exchanged glances.
"Don't worry miss, she does this frequently" she said.
"Are you sure Anaya is his niece?" I asked and looked at her sincerely.
"It can't be his, in my short time, I've never seen another girl here, he is mostly at work" she got up and softly slapped her hands on her laps.
"I will go now miss, I tended to Anaya beforehand." She nodded before closing the door.
Did she trust me with Anaya? Did Reizan trust me with Anaya?

I got up from the bed, it was dark bedsheets and the pillow was crumpled. I wonder if Reizan slept here.
I looked down at the crib and began softly stroking Anayas hair. Bright blue eyes like the ocean, dark black hair that contrasted her bright eyes. Curly hair that bounced above her head like the waves. She looked like a saviour. Reizans saviour.
Was reizan truly alone all these years?
Where was his mother, father, did he even have a love before?

I bent down to give her a kiss and I slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I looked around the hallway where there were 2 other rooms. The first room was open, I decided to check that room. I knew I shouldn't have but curiosity had got the better of me.

I was first met with a big black double bed, large sliding doors and balcony, the room was plain and simple, a picture of Anaya as a newborn was on the bedside table. I walked over to it where I could see it better. I picked it up and noticed a woman and a different man on either side of Anaya. Her mother and father perhaps? Then in the background I noticed another man. Bright blue eyes; I quickly thought back to Anaya. Maybe she was his...

I noticed his wavy dark hair and his neatly trimmed goatee. His dark features stood out but most of all his blue eyes. His attire consisting of a dark black suit. Handsome and presentable, did he just come back from work when they took that picture? I put down the picture back in its place and looked around the rest of the room. The big massive bed looked like it hadn't been slept in for ages, no crimples or nothing. Everything was too tidy and presentable. Was it a facade?
I went out of the room but stopped at a door that was closed, I didn't want to invade privacy, but it was locked.
It was surely locked for a reason but it wasn't my place to find out
I went back downstairs into the courtyard to find a small sofa surrounded by plants. I went to where the driver had left my suitcases and grabbed a small blanket. I wrapped it around me before drowning into my thoughts...

She thought wrongOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant