Chapter 6 : Where My Daily Dose Of Spongebob Is Rudely Interrupted

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| Jake's POV |

It was Saturday. I sat in my room eating Doritos. The TV was on Nickelodeon. "No I'm Dirty Dan" said Spongebob. Yes, I was 15 and I still watched kiddie shows. I enjoyed my Doritos. I was in my happy place. "Can I have some?" I nearly fell off my bed. "You scared the crap out of me! And I almost spilled my Doritos" I said with a sad little frown. "Well, if you shit yourself, I suggest you go to the bathroom. Then you come with me." She said while giving me her typical stare. "Giving me commands in my own house? In my own room?" I put my hand over my mouth and gasped in a sarcastic way. "Shut up."

I walked out of the house. I rolled my eyes while being dragged to her house. "What are we doing. Are you gonna make me do anything against my will? Should I make sure the hospital is open" I said as I was literally lying on the sidewalk being pulled by my best friend. "Meeting.", she said. I put my serious face on, got up and walked to her house. We went into her bedroom. She wasn't very girly, so there wasn't much makeup or jewelry and other girly things,(I mean I wouldn't know I'm 99.9% dude, 00.1% monkey, so.)Her favorite color was red, (like me) which was really the only colors you'd see. Red pillows. Red blankets. Red phone and tablet case. Red shirts, sweaters, shoes, bag, backpack,hair chalk. You name it, it's red.

I sat down in a red chair and crossed my arms. "What is the emergency on our hands?" I asked. Her face became almost as red as everything in her room (OMG SHUT UP WITH THE RED ALREADY DUDE! Me: Calm your mitts damn...)She was blushing intensely while playing with her hair and stuffing a pillow on her face. "What! I know. You fell into a tomato." She shook her head. "You totally choked on a tomato." She shook her head again. "Someone threw tomat-" "I MET A CUTE DUDE OKAY!" she bursted out. "Oh. Oohhhhhh. Ooooohhhh looking what we have here. You have a bbbbbbbb-hoyyyyyy-frriiiieeennnnnnddddd" I said like a little kid. I poked her arms while raising my eyebrows. "Stop it! He actually helped me up not like you, ya jerk!" I wiped my eyes. "N-No I'm sorry...Jake! Stop that."
I sniffled. "Jake stop that! You're making a scene. Stop being such a kid." I poked my eye, which made it water. Eventually I made myself cry. Well not really. Just eye water.. No noise. So I made a noise. Like a hyena. She then stared at me and hit me in the back of my head. "Be a man."

"Well why did I need to know this?" I asked, confused.
She stared at me and said" only ever tell secrets to people you trust. And you're my best dude friend. And he's a me out here....What do boys like?" I snickered, giggled, chuckled, and then laughed so loud you'd think I was insane. "Boys aren't all the same! You go find out what he likes! Maybe he likes puppies and you like cats." "I think both are cute."she pointed out. "Maybe he likes tiaras, and princezzz dolllieszzzz and lovely lovely ballet clas-" "Stop that!"she said, with her face in a pillow. "Okay. It depends how you want to do this. You can be hard to get. Ew. You can be all cute and girly and hold his hand and put your head on his shoulder and do awkward things to make him blush and smooch you in the lips. Or you could just talk. Find out what he likes. Get more friendly. Then take a step up and say sort of romantic things. Or ask him who he likes. Or do things like that. Then eventually find out if he really loves you or if your hard work was never worth it." Her face darkened and so did mine. It hurts a lot when it was never worth it. Her face probably just became gloomy at the thought of it. I knew from experience. She gave me a quick hug and said "Thank you. You can go home now." I left and stood outside. What was I doing......I ran home. I ran upstairs. Spongebob had just ended. But my Doritos were still here. Good. Now I could eat alone. As always.

Fun fact :D: In the part "....What do boys like?" Autocorrect tried to write "What do boots likes?" In the part "In the part" It tried to say "in the lart" XD

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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- Bittersweet - - By TacoAuthorZack - *COV*Where stories live. Discover now