Chapter 2 : Where You Must Hear A Rant In The Morning

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My name's Jake. My last name isn't important. You won't find me anyways.

I don't a typical, "Hello honey how's breakfast how's your morning. Your father is going to pick you up from school today, isn't that great!"


First of all, dad left for work years ago. Soldier. Promised he would come home after a few years. He didn't die. Maybe he doesn't want to, or can't yet. I don't care. I blame my depression on him. Not that I'm emo or whatever. You just won't see me smile often. Only some people keep me happy.

Mostly not my family.


And a sort of best friend.

I wake up at 7:00 AM.

I am not hyped or pumped up. I am tired. My hair is okay. Usually people think it's a haircut and like it. I don't get that. Maybe I'm just awesome and perfect. No.

I am a nerd. I accept it. Although, there have been some changes to me. I got contact lenses. No more glasses. Hmm... Well my braces are off. I got way more sweaters. I love sweaters. Red, black and white sweaters. My three favorite colors.

Anyways. My morning goes a little like this:

I ignore snoozing the alarm. I just walk out of the room. I serve myself cereal. My mom doesn't care. She knows I'm at school. I brush my teeth. I gargle mouthwath. It's the end of summer. Finally. Summers not my season. Too hot.
My mornings are crappy. Did I mention I curse? A lot.

I don't take the bus. I live far away but I don't. I put on my sweater and my precious beanie. I know it's childish but I call it Holy Beanie Of Holyness. Just for fun. I get my junk and cram it into my red flannel book bag. And away I go.

- Bittersweet - - By TacoAuthorZack - *COV*Where stories live. Discover now