Prologue part 1: The Birth of a Legend

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This story starts many, many years ago on a planet of the fiercest warriors in the history of the universe. Ventrexia, the home planet of one the most infamously brutal, but famously adorable cat like Ventrexians. These warriors come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Only Royals have had the rarest color of all, Ocean Forest, but even for them it's rare. The colors Charcoal black and Sunset Orange are the most common.

The planet was governed by the monarchy as it had been for millennia. The royal family had 3 current members. Queen Honeymew, her husband King Clawmentine and their son and sole heir to the throne, Prince Purrprika.

Queen Honeymew was as beautiful as she was regal with her Forest Ocean fur and Cream markings on her face and body. She had fierce green eyes that rivaled even the greenest emeralds and a long cyan mane that was usually tied up in an elegant bun. She wore many ensembles that complimented her fur and eyes, as well as a pair of dangle earrings with long droopy pendants attached to crescent moon shaped crystals.

The King was as bright and serene as his fur suggested. He had Smooth Sunset orange with a lone pastel yellow mark on his muzzle. He had vibrant gold eyes, complimenting the yellow that was the "whites" of his eyes. Like his wife, he worse ensembles that complimented his fur and eyes, as well as a pair of dangle earrings with long, droopy pendants attached to sun shaped crystals.

Prince Purrprika was a spitting image of his father, if it wasn't for having his mother's eyes instead. He was a rather rambunctious young kit and he loved his parents dearly.

Only, they weren't as kind as the populous knew them to be...

The Ventrexians are interlocked in a 1000 year long war with their sworn enemies, the Tryvuulians. But even now, as many of the planet's inhabitants are fighting for their home, there is a bit of commotion happening at the royal palace. The date is July 8, 2285, and the Queen has just given birth to her second kitten. A momentous occasion, except for one fact. King Clawmentine, Queen Honeymew and Prince Purrprika were not exactly excited to welcome the new addition to the royal family, despite the kit having beautiful Ocean Forest fur with cream markings on their face, chest and right hind paw.

"Congratulations your majesties! It's a healthy little boy. Here. Why dont you hold your son, my queen," the midwife said kindly as she offered the crying newborn kitten to his mother.

"That is not my child. I have already have a son. He is perfect and the only child I want to rule after his father and I retire," Queen Honeymew said and forced the kitten back into the Midwife's arms, "You take care of it. I dont want it now, and I never will."

"I agree with my wife. We only need one heir and our family is perfect the way it is. One mother, one father, and one child. You take that abomination and care for it yourself for all we care," King Clawmentine said with a slight smirk as he gazed upon the midwife and his crying newborn kitten in her arms.

"As you wish, your majesties," the midwife sighed and took the newborn prince out of the room, "dont worry, my dear little prince. I will try to convince your mother and father to adore you as much as they adore your brother. And I know the perfect name fitting for such a beautiful little kitten like you... welcome to the universe, Prince Avocato. I know you're going to do great things."

6 years later...

It was dark and the sounds of war could be heard from every direction, just like the stench of death in the air. A small cloaked figure darted around homes, businesses and ruins of both, talking to people and getting them to sign something. The figure crept close to ruins near a tryvuulian camp, and stepped on a fallen twig, alerting the camp's inhabitants.

"Who goes there?!" Roared the gruff voice of a Tryvuulian soldier as he stomped his way over to the ruins where the figure was shaking under their cloak.

The small figure thought they were dead as soon as they felt their body leave the ground. "It's just a kid! What should we do with it boys?"

Their stomach dropped as soon as they heard the cheers of, "Kill it! One less Ventrexian in our way!"

The one holding the child could be heard, his voice filled with disappointment and disgust, "what is wrong with you bastards?! If we kill the kid, we'll be as bad as the Ventrexians!" And as if to embarrass and horrify the kit more, their stomach rumbled loudly. "And by the sound of it, it's hungry too! Let's show the little shit a bit of what Tryvuulians are truly like and teach it a bit of acceptance."

"Oh come on Hound! You're going soft!"

"Or maybe I have a soft spot for kids!" the one, now known as hound said as he set down the kid by the fire and got some food, "now before we get to the food, I have a few questions for ya, you little shit."

The kid gulped nervously.

"First off, what's your name kid? My name is Hound," he asked gently.

The kid mumbled something inaudibly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you there?"

"A-Avocato Pawberry..."

"Well it's nice to meet cha Avocato. Now, what are you doing all the way out here?"

"I-Im gathering signatures for a petition to stop th-the war..."

"Awww. Aint that sweet. Aint your parents worried about cha?"

"P-probably," Avocato stuttered, lying through his teeth.

"How about after you get something in that tummy of yours, I give you a lift back home?"


"Really," Hound smiled down at the little prince as he handed him a bowl of stew.

Avocato beamed, showing off a missing tooth before eating his stew greedily, eager to get something in his tummy.

"Slow down kid! You'll get a stomach ache!" Hound chuckled, noticing that the young Ventrexian had dropped a clip board and a pen, "now what's this," he muttered and picked it up.

Avocato stopped eating and looked at the clip board nervously, "I m-made a petition to hopefully get a peace treaty and stop the war..."

"Now aint that sweet," Hound smiled, "would you like me to sign it, little guy?"

Avocato beamed happily and nodded, carefully handing the Tryvuulian soldier his pen, "here!"

The elder gingerly took the pen from Avocato's paw and signed the petition before handing the clipboard back to the kit, "There you go, kid. Hopefully this will work. You got a big heart and a good head on your shoulders. Now run back home. I dont want a little kid like you to get hurt."

Avocato nodded and quickly gave Hound a hug before scampering off with his clipboard. Once he got to a safe place, he took a look at where the Tryvuulian signed, "huh. Hound Foxtrot. Thats a cool name. I gotta show this to mama and papa!"

Prologue to be continued...

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