Chapter 1: Invictus is Free

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Present Day

"What have we done?" Gary muttered aloud as he and the rest of the crew, minus Biskit, stared out the window at the gargantuan space demon that so many died to keep from leaving Final Space.

It had fallen apart before their eyes all because Ash overheard a private conversation between fathers. No. It had fallen apart because Invictus had messed with their minds. The space demon older than time itself and a grudge against one single human, that had possessed Gary and Avocato when all they wanted was to make sure Quinn was okay and that she knew they were trying to save her. It happened so fast, and the two best friends were fatally wounded, only one of the two returned to the ship, and the other was dragged into the darkness.

It had fallen apart because not all of Avocato's memories had returned even after he remembered his own son. It had fallen apart because of a promise made 14 years ago and an activated bomb. Despite all of that, it wasn't the Team Squad's fault. It was Invictus' fault and a petty grudge that spanned timeline after timeline. It wasn't Gary's fault. It wasn't Quinn's fault. Nor was it the fault of Sheryl or the Cato's. And it sure as hell wasn't Nightfall's or Mooncake's. And poor Ash, who was forced to watch as her dear brother was stabbed through the heart with a sword. The poor girl didn't know that Gary's robotic arm was being controlled by Invictus. She didn't know the guilt Gary felt for the death of a beloved member of the Team Squad. None of them wished for this to happen. None of them wanted to be the reason that the universe would be destroyed. They all blamed themselves for what just happened. But Avocato was already trying to figure out how to stop the damned demon.

"This only happened because Avocato killed my parents!" Little Cato spoke angrily, pointing at his father, saying his name with so much venom that it shocked the rest of the crew.

"Woah there Spider-Cat. Calm down little buddy. No need to start throwing blame at anyone. We need to stay together, and that means getting along," Gary said gently to his adoptive son.

"Get along? You want me to get along with a murderer?!"

"Son. I don't appreciate your tone right now. And don't act like you haven't killed before. Remember the Torro Regatta? You were more than happy to shoot that other ship," Gary said sternly, with an eyebrow raised.

"When did this happen? Nobody told me that you flew in a Torro regatta!" Avocato said, concerned for his family's safety and frustrated that he was once again not told something.

"Oh like you care!"

"Of course I care! You could've gotten killed! You're my son! I cant even stand the thought of you being upset!"

"I wouldn't be so upset if you weren't a monster! You're a sociopathic monster! Parent Killer!"

Those words hurt so much more than Avocato let on, but he couldn't understand why. He thought what Little Cato said about him was true, and whatever memories he had confirmed them. But why did he want to deny it? Why did he want to go to Ventrexia to show Little Cato that the King and Queen were alive and well? Why... Why did he know their names like he knew them personally?...

Avocato opened his mouth to speak when he was hit with a migraine so painful that he physically reacted to it, which was concerning due to his unusually high pain tolerance. He grabbed at his head, grit his teeth together and screwed his eyes shut as his tail puffed up and his ears flattened. "Son of a..." he muttered as he felt his knees start to buckle under his own weight.

"Avocato!" Gary shouted in concern as he wrapped an arm around his friend's waist to keep him from falling, "are you okay buddy? What's wrong?"

The ladies looked at Avocato in concern, while Little Cato looked on in well masked horror as they watched the strongest member of the Team Squad, almost collapse in pain.

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