Meeting the others

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Have a cute chapter because I'm nice like that. :)

Warning: Language! 

"Wanda?" Nat asked when the girl woke up again. "Mhm?" Wanda hummed into Natasha's arm. "Do you want to meet some of the team?" Nat asked making Wanda tense up. "Meanies." Wanda mumbled. "Not all of them are mean Wanda, Clint is nice right?" Wanda nodded. "Well what if you just met a few of them." Wanda shook her head. "Alright I won't force you." Nat kissed the littles head. "If I does will Tasha s'ay?"

"Of course princess." Wanda nodded. "Otay but if dey scawy You has to help me." Wanda admitted sitting up. "Okay Tasha will save you." Wanda smiled. "Yay." Wanda jumped out of bed making Nat follow with a chuckle.

"Jarvis where is Tony?"

"He is in the lab with dr banner. Everyone else is in the living room." Wanda took nats hand as they walked out to the main area. Wanda made sure to let go before they could be seen though, "what's wrong love?" Wanda shook her head. "I don't want to be little around them yet." Wanda admitted looking at the floor. "Okay." Nat said warmly making the girl look up at her. Wanda nodded once she was comfortably big and the two walked in together.

"Hey guys, Wanda wanted to come say hi." Everyone turned to see the witch stood next to the Russian. They stared at her without saying a word making Wanda worry as to what was going to happen next. Usually when people stared at her like that it never ended well.

"Hi." Wanda gave them a small wave. "Hey Wanda, I'm Steve." The man walked up to her offering out his hand. He was massive and that scared Wanda a bit. Nat gave her a nod of encouragement. "Oh wait I forgot, high five now right?" Steve chuckled making Wanda laugh too. "Hi Steve." Wanda gave him a high five.

"I'm Thor god of thunder." A blonde man on the couch stated, why were all the guys here so big and scary but seem so nice at the same time. Wandas opinion of him changed when he stood up. "How did you become the Scarlet witch?" Thor asked loudly making the girl whimper. "Thor!" Nat snapped. She watched as wandas eyes filled with tears and she started to shake.

"Wanda?" Wanda shook her head showing Nat she wasn't okay. "Shit. Come here." Nat opened her arms and the witch happily stepped towards her. "I've got you." Steve gave Thor a glare. "I know I shouldn't have said that. My apologies." Nat rolled her eyes still holding the shaking girl. "You're okay, I'm right here." Nat felt Wanda tighten for a second before letting go completely.

"Here I got you some water. Wanda right?" The sokovian nodded taking the glass with a smile. "Yes, thank you." Wanda smiled. "No problem, I'm Carol that idiots friend." Carol said pointing at Thor. "Yes Danvers is my space buddy." Wanda couldn't help but smile at the way Thor talked, sure they probably felt the same way about the sokovian but she hadn't heard anyone talk like him before.

"H-hi carol." Wanda smiled at the woman who winked before leaving. "Wow you're the-" Wanda turned to see a boy with brown hair with Steve's hand over his mouth. "Maximoff girl with the cool powers." Peter finished behind Steve's hand. "Sorry kid I thought you was going to say something else."

"Oh no. I mean I wouldn't like people calling me Spider-Man all the time. Although I wouldn't like people just calling me Parker either so I probably should have asked what your name was first. I'm Peter by the way. Peter Parker." Wanda played with her magic between her fingers. "I'm Wanda. Wanda Maximoff." Wanda and Peter chuckled.

Wanda was introduced to everyone else before she started getting fed up. "Wanda, do you want to come train with me?" Nat asked with a smile. "Um yeah?" Wanda was confused why she was needing to go too but she followed along.

"Are you feeling little?" Nat asked quietly. "Im not feeling big." Wanda admitted. She still didn't like admitting when she needed to slip but being introduced to new people scared her a little. "I'm just scared, what if they could tell?" Wanda didn't know what the other people's statuses were and some caregivers could spot a little a mile away and she wasn't up to being that exposed.

"You know most of them are caregivers or neutral. All of them have seen littles before they don't care." Wanda looked at Nat curiously. "Are the avengers littles?" Nat shrugged. "I don't know, but there are a few people we know who are and I've seen them babysit before, they are pretty good with them. But I never really asked, it isn't my business to know, unless they slip in front of me when we were alone I don't think it's my place to say or do anything. Plus I already have a little so my hands are full."

Wanda furrowed her brows. "I'm not that bad." She pouted. "Trust me, you are." Wanda crossed her arms. "Am not." Nat smirked. "Are too." Wanda and Nat giggled at their fake arguing. "I have to keep at least three eyes on you at all times." Wanda smiled.

"But you wouldn't change that right? Like you wouldn't want another little?" Nat kissed the littles forehead. "Not in a million years. I love my little troublemaker." Wanda froze but Nat kept walking.

"You love me?" Nat turned realising what she had just said. "I meant- I do love- I love." Nat mentally facepalmed. "I love taking care of you, that's what I meant."

Wanda smiled. "I love you taking care of me too." Wanda smiled hugging the redhead.

"I do love you though." Nat admitted with a quiet sigh. "What? Sorry I didn't hear you." Wanda teased. "Yeah yeah you made a Russian spy care about you, well done kid." Nat joked back.

"Wha can I says I am pwetty fucking awesome." Wanda smirked. The Russian froze staring at the girl in shock. "What did you just say?" Nat said putting on her 'Mom voice'

"Um I love you?" Wanda chuckled running into their bedroom.

"Oh you are in so much trouble missy." Nat chased Wanda picking her up over her shoulder. "Nat I'm sorry I'm sorry put me down I'm sorry." Wanda begged. Nat threw Wanda on the bed and started tickling her. The sokovian giggled until her sides ached.

"You are awesome though but if you swear again I'll tell Steve on you." Nat chuckled laying on the bed next to Wanda. "That's not fair I'm big I should be able to say what I want." Wanda fake sulked, she was lying she was teetering on the edge between big and little but Tasha probably knew that. "Says the girl pouting like a two year old." Nat teased as pulled the girl close to her chest the sokovian instantly relaxed loving the comfort of being in the Russians arms.

"You're what?" Nat asked with a smirk and a raised brow. "I baby." Wanda admitted nuzzling closer to the Russian. "That's right, my baby."

"Tasha's baby." Wanda admitted with a happy sigh. "I luv you Tasha." Nat couldn't help but smile. "I love you too angel." Wanda giggled against the redheads neck soon hearing the start to her favourite movie."Bolt!" Wanda cheered.

"I bet you really love me now huh?" Nat chuckled. "I always love Tasha." Wanda admitted trying to adjust herself to see the tv without being away from Natasha. "I will always love you too baby." Nat kissed the littles head before placing the girl between her legs with her back to Nat's chest.


I don't know if they have said I love you yet but If they have then oops
That bolt movie theme could get a whole lot sadder soon ;)

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