Making pancakes *gone wrong*

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Tw: injury, burning

Wanda woke up to strange movements. 'Go back to sleep.' Clint chuckled handing her back the bunny she had dropped on her sleep. Wanda just stared at Clint. 'Well at least one of us has to sleep and I'm tired.' Clint went to leave but the little whispered something to him. 'Pietro' he froze and turned around. 'Pietro happy now.' Clint nodded. 'I'm sure he is kid, and I bet he's super proud of you. You're a good kid Wanda.' He smiled. 'You good too, you saves us. t'ank  yous.'

'You're welcome kid, goodnight.' He felt his eyes fill with tears as he turned off the light and went to bed. 'Good girl.' Nat squeezed the little.

Wanda nestled into Nat's neck thinking about how Clint saved Pietro then came back with nat to help her. Because what neither Nat or Wanda would ever know is it was Clint who told fury about Wanda, and that Natasha was a caregiver. He knew based of what Pietro had told him about Wanda they'd be the perfect fit for each other.

The next morning

'Wanda? Wanda!' Nat leapt up from the couch in a panic. 'In the kitchen.' Nat heard Wanda chuckle. 'Oh yeah, right.' Nat pushed her embarrassment down and went to go see the sokovian. 'I take it your big then?' Nat smirked watching Wanda plate some pancakes. 'Mhm.' Wanda said clearly wanting to change the subject. 'What are your plans for today?' Nat asked getting the message. 'I was thinking of going on a walk, no I don't want company.' Nat put her hands up in fake defeat.

'Hey guys, that smells nice I love pancakes.' Clint smiled. 'Want some help?' Wanda nodded stepping to the side. 'Okay.' Clint pulled the pan of the heat getting ready to flip not seeing Wanda's hand resting on the oven, the bottom of the pan fell onto her hand. 'Shit!' He pushed the pan away and grabbed her hand. 'Go to the sink.' Wanda bit her lip in desperation not to cry. 'You're such an idiot sometimes!' The redhead glared at her best friend running over to Wanda. 'Alright put your hand under there I'll get the bandages.' Nat turned on the sink before grabbing a first aid kit.

'Owie.' Nat turned at the word and saw Wanda in tears clearly she'd slipped. 'It's okay baby I'm gonna make it better okay I promise.' Nat pulled out a bandage and lifted Wanda onto the counter. 'Keep your hand under котенок. I know it hurts baby.' She  hugged Wanda still holding her hand under the sink. 'Let's wrap it in a cold towel, look at how brave you are!' Nat wrapped it up and kissed Wandas forehead.

'Hi daddy!' Lila came running in so Clint scooped her up. 'Careful you little monster.' He placed her back down and sent her to watch tv. 'Sorry, she's a little crazy this morning.' Laura apologised before seeing Wanda in tears. 'I caught her hand with a hot pan.' Clint explained with a sorry smile. 'Aw you okay honey? Do you need anything?' The little shook her head. 'Nat make owie go 'way.' Nat smiled at her.

'How about we go watch a movie with Lila?' Wanda nodded rubbing tears away from her eyes. Clint carried the first aid kit hoping they could finish fixing wandas hand when she was distracted by the the movie.

'Wha's dat?' Wanda asked Lila pointing to the tv. 'Finding nemo.' Lila responded turning up the movie. 'You seen this one yet princess?' Wanda shook  her head eyes glued to the screen. 'Hey baby can I see your owie hand?' Nat interrupted a quarter of the way through the film, Wanda absentmindedly placed her hand in Nat's who held it still whilst Clint put Vaseline and bandages on it. Wanda snuggled into Nat's side

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