Missed you <3

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Several movies later Wanda zoned out staring at the tv screen. 'Subjects Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins.' A tall man in a lab coat introduced the children. Pietro grabbed wanda's hand. 'Wanda is an exceptional child with telekinesis abilities this one has super speed.' The shorter man seemed very interested in the pair. 'Take her downstairs for testing he can stay up here.' Before they could do anything they were ripped apart from each other screaming the others name.

'You okay Wanda?' Nat noticed the little hadn't moved or spoke in a few minutes. 'I want to go for a walk.' Wanda got up quickly. 'Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?' Nat stood up too. 'No. Don't even try to follow me.' With that she grabbed her shoes and left not even bothering to put them on until she was already outside on the doorstep.

'Why are you putting on shoes? Natasha.' Clint sighed at the realisation. 'Give the kid some space.' Nat pulled on her shoes. 'I'm not gonna be close to her I just want to make sure she stays safe.'

When Nat had walked for a few minutes she saw Wanda curled up under a tree. She debated going up to her for a moment. But she concluded helping Wanda and knowing she was safe and possibly being upset with her was more important than the thought of her being upset and needing someone and she didn't turn up.

'Hey, room for one more?' Nat asked Wanda shrugged. 'I told you not to follow me.' Nat sat down next to her. 'Yeah, I know.' Wanda shook her head. 'I'm not in the mood for you to yell at me for crying right now.'

'I really have been a dickhead to you lately, I'm sorry.' Nat smiled genuinely.

'Why did you follow me?' Wanda asked changing the subject. 'I wanted to make sure you were okay.' Wanda shook her head. 'You wanted to make sure I wasn't little.'

'What's the point in asking if you're going to come to your own conclusions anyway?' Nat teased. 'Because it's true, but I'm not little so you can go.' Nat didn't move. 'Nat just go.' She placed her head between her knees holding herself tight. 'You don't want me to go so I'm staying.'

'I do want you to go.' Wanda choked on a sob. 'Why Wanda?' Nat was a little hurt but decided to ignore it. She'd hurt Wanda way more over the past few weeks. 'Because I don't want to be little. And if you stay I will want to so I can hug you.' Nat rubbed her back. 'Wanda look at me.' Wanda looked at Nat tears streaming down her face.

'Come here.' Nat opened her arms. 'Nat you don't have to.' Nat smiled before lifting Wanda onto her lap. 'I told you I'm not little.' Wanda wiped her tears with her sleeve.

'Yeah well clearly something's really upset you, and I want you to be happy so I don't care if your big or little. I'm hugging you until you feel better whether you like it or not'
Wanda nestled into Nat's chest who wrapped her arms around the sokovian in response.

'What's upset you Малыш?' (Baby) 'I miss pietro.' Nat let out a quiet aw as she held Wanda tight.

'You know I miss my sister a lot too.' Wanda looked up at her. 'I don't even know where  is, but when you miss someone it just shows how much you love them.' She paused before adding,  'I missed you Wanda. I didn't even know I could get that close to someone so quick.' Wanda nodded. 'Me neither not after...' Nat hummed in agreement. 
'But just for the record I missed you too.' Nat smiled down at her.

'Well you made me feel better so you can let go now.' Nat pulled her closer if that was even possible. 'Do you want me to?' Wanda paused. 'I'm still big.' Nat shook her head saying it louder this time. 'Do you want me to?' Wanda shook her head.

They stayed under the tree until it started getting dark. 'Nat I don't like it.' Wanda hid in Nat's neck. 'I'll protect you don't worry.' Wanda moved so she was now facing her. 'Nat can we go inside?' Nat placed her finger on her lips. Wanda heard a rustling behind them. 'Nat I'm really scared.' Wanda whispered she felt her heart start to beat faster.

'Wanda get up.' The sokovian slowly moved backwards. Before feeling a hand grab her shoulder she let out a scream Nat fired a widow bite at the arm. 'Ow fuck.' Nat saw her best friend  fall out of the tree onto the floor. 'Clint!' Nat shouted kicking her bestie in the ribs.

Nat heard quiet sobs coming from Wanda. 'It's okay Wanda it was just Clint being an idiot.' Nat pulled wanda into a hug. 'You're a real jerk sometimes! And stupid, I could've shot you!' Clint dusted himself of groaning as he's stood up. 'Yeeeah I really didn't think that one through.'

'Wanna go home.' Wanda mumbled. 'We can go home tomorrow first thing okay.' Wanda nodded loving being in Nat's arms.

'I'm sorry kid, I meant to scare Nat not you. But we're having a camp night tonight, minus the tents and bugs and the cold, and it's an indoor fire but we're having marshmallows and a movie night. That's what I originally came to tell you.'

'Does that sound fun?' Nat asked Wanda who nodded only succumbing to slight hiccups now. 'Ya.' Nat carried Wanda back up the path to the house a slightly sore Clint following behind.

My little Maximoffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें