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Amelia could hear the yelling continuing as the headmaster grabbed her, half dressed and dragged her to the door with him. His breath was hot and reeked of decay on her face as he spoke in a fast, hushed tone. "You're here of your own free will, you hear me? Say or do anything to insinuate otherwise, then you and all your little friends will get it." 

The threat hung heavily over Amy as she nodded in understanding. She had only just barely managed to finish dressing as she watched him open the door and scurry out, following with cautious, pained steps. 

It only took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the hall. Shock and hope filled her, immediately followed by a wave of panic remembering the headmaster's words. "Hello? This is an orphanage, children are sleeping, how can I help you right now?" Charles' words rang in her ears a little too loudly as she stared at Reid- standing behind the team, torn with how to proceed. 

"Charles Lionheart, I'm Agent Hotchner with the BAU. We're here in regards to Amelia-" His eyes met Amelia's and she perked up a bit, her eyes flitting between the man in front of her and the agent down the hall. "-there was believed to be a risk to her safety. Amelia, are you alright?"

Her hands clasped in front of her and she bit the inside of her cheeks, turning her gaze to the floor as Charles shoved her forward slightly. "She's perfectly fine, as you can see. She turned up a while ago saying she felt unsafe and asked to return to her home here- right, Amy?" He put a lot of emphasis on her name and she gave a curt nod. "See, everything is all good. The social worker will be in contact with you tomorrow to go over her proper return to us. Goodnight gentlem-"

"Actually, we'd like to talk to Miss Amelia in private. It won't take long, a formality, you understand, right?" An even older gentleman with a bit of an accent spoke up, Amy catching a smile from him when she glanced up. She tensed when she felt something hard press into her back and felt a soft click against her. 

Charles' friendly demeanor quickly faded and his tone became rather harsh. "I'm afraid I can't allow that agents. As a minor and child of this establishment, she's under my protection. Now, kindly leave-" 

Reid was the one to speak up this time, his voice louder than any of them had been before. "Actually, per the adoption papers, I am now her legal guardian, and I consent to her  going with any of the agents to talk in private. Preventing her from doing so would be illegal." She heard Charles tongue click before the pressure was taken off her back, quickly being replaced by a ringing pain in her ears. 


She was pulled off balance as a heavy THUD hit the ground beside her. She took a moment to come to her senses before scurrying away from Charles, turning to face him as her chest heaved in panic. It wasn't like the shows she'd seen, he didn't just stop moving and breathing, he laid there gurgling, his chest heaving as he stared at her. 

Amelia's eyes shot to the stairs as they creaked loudly, panic filling her when her eyes landed on Joseph peering at her through the bars at the top steps. "Lele?"  Reid had already started moving towards Amelia, calling out to her repeatedly as she stumbled to her feet and moved towards the stairs, picking up speed the closer she got. 

By the time she'd gotten to the base of the stairs and a little less than half up she was met with a small bundle hurdling into her arms, sobbing. "Lele! Lele's home!" 

Her body curled around the small boy's, holding him tightly against herself. "Amelia!" Reid had reached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at him, a feeling of relief washing over her before pain took its place. As the adrenaline faded darkness began blurring her vision and her mouth opened and closed like a fish, her grip tightening on Josey before she slumped over, enveloped in darkness. 

Chaos erupted in the hall.

Reid caught Amelia in his arms, calling over his shoulder to the the team. "Rossi, JJ, someone, she's lost consciousness!"

With all the commotion many of the children had woken up, and the team was quick to move. Rossi and JJ moved up the stairs to corral and care for the children, keeping as many as possible from the scene happening below. Hotchner and Morgan had moved to secure Charles, the man still gasping for air between wailing in pain and shouting in anger, spouting on about suing if he survived.

Sirens rang out in the distance, closing in quickly while the little one in Amelia's arms continued to cling to the limp girl, begging her to wake up through his sobs. Emily had given up trying to coax the boy off Amelia, and instead resorted to reaching around him and holding pressure to the girls abdomen the best she could.

As soon as it had started, it was over. Police and social workers showed up to take in evidence and watch over the children. Charles was escorted to the hospital by an officer and the medics in one ambulance, Amelia and Joseph hauled into another with Reid tagging along at his own instance.

All anyone could do now was work and wait.

Bang bang into the roooom~ 

I'm funny. Leave me alone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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