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Advanced warning, highly triggering, triggers including sexual abuse. Heavily edited and far less so than previously, but... still quite a bit.

01:21, everyone would be asleep, everyone except the headmaster. Pushing open the door gently she slipped inside, closing it as quietly as possible behind her. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she began walking down the main hall to the headmaster's office. The halls seemed extra dark this night, a candle every few feet being the only light to lead the way, the flickering casting dancing shadows about the hall.


She jumped, looking behind her for the source of the sound. There was nothing, nothing at all. Turning she let out a short breath before a silent scream, the headmaster's face inches from her own. "Welcome home my little toy." She took a step back, tripping over her own feet and falling to the rough wooden floor. Charles glared daggers at her, dragging her up and to his 'secret' room.

He threw her in, causing her to face plant it into a small bed screwed into the floor. "Strip bitch." She hesitated before slowly pushing herself up, feeling him send a kick to her side. "Hurry up and strip damnit." His voice was laced with venom, sending shivers up her spine.

She unbuttoned and lifted the small, ill-fitting uniform from herself, letting it slip to the floor and revealing her undergarments. She could feel his stare, boring into her bare skin. She could hear his pants unzip, soon followed by her being bent over the end of the bed. "I'm doing this to save her from it... to save him from it..." Repeating these lines over and over in her mind she slipped from being truly conscious, disassociating instead.

"You're such a weak, stupid little bitch." He whispered in her ear, a short, wicked chuckle coming from his lips as he took a step away from her body. Soon after she could hear the sound of doors being broken open and the voices of men and women yelling together. Charles pulled away from her completely and scrambled, redressing himself and seething for her to do the same.

As Amelia Left

He woke with a start, sitting up and running his hand through his hair. "It was just another dream Spencer." He picked up the folder of their current case, a paper falling out as he did so. Curiously he picked it up and started reading.

Hello Doctor Reid,
Everything's alright, I promise.
Living with you was a great
Pleasure, and I appreciate it.
Although I will miss you greatly,
This is my goodbye.
One wonders why such a
Ridiculous thing could be said,
Please note I do not wish to leave
And never thought badly of you.
Not once did I want this, but foes
Always seems to get their way.

Goodbye Mister Reid,
Everything is going to be missed


He read over the note once more to be sure he had read it correctly. He had in fact read correctly, Amelia was gone. Something didn't seem right, and as he continued to read the note it dawned on him. Picking up his phone from beside the bed he  dialed Garcia's number.

"Hello sugar? What are you calling so late?" He must have woken her. An apology was given, followed by short rambles about the situation.

"I apologize Garcia, but I need your help, the young girl I adopted today, Amelia, left me a note and is gone. The one we talked about? And I think I know where she is, but she's in danger." He heard Garcia gasp before seeming more awake and alert.

"Alright sweetheart, I'll look into her past and get a hold of Hotchner and Morgan. You call Emily and Rossi, tell them everything and I'll fill you guys in on what I find." Reid heard the call end before he could respond.

Immediately he called Emily, her phone picking up and a tired voice answering. "Emily here..."

"Emily, Amelia is gone, I need you to come over as soon as possible." The statement was rushed as he shuffled around the apartment, gathering his things and getting ready.

Her reply was confused and slow. "Alright? I'll be right over." Her end clicked off and Rossi was next.

"Yes, I heard about Amelia going missing and am already on my way over with Hotch, don't worry Reid, we'll figure this out." His line disconnected and Reid stood, completely dressed and ready, rereading over the note again and again.

A bang was heard at his door minutes later and he jumped, letting the team inside, even Garcia, who padded in with a laptop open in her arms.

"Alright my babies, Amelia Elizabeth Woodridge, age 17, was orphaned at the age of 4 after her parents were killed in an arson and shooting. We already had the gist on her. She's been at the same orphanage since age 5 and was just recently adopted by agent Reid. She's a smarty with a 186 Iq. No ability to speak what so ever due to an extremely rare defect where her vocal cords were missing completely at birth. She was almost paralyzed by unknown bruising to her lower spine, her most recent of injuries in a long line of fractures and breaks over the years." Garcia looked at Reid apologetically and he shook his head, thanking her.

"She's sweet and seemed rather scared today when we left the orphanage. I woke up close to 20 minutes ago and found a note in the case file from her." He showed it to them and they looked at him sadly, as if saying she had only ran.

"But look guys, it can't be a coincidence, the first letter of each line spells out 3 words all together. She's smart, right? She wouldn't write a note this way without reason?" He pointed down the side. "I'm sure this isn't just some accident, guys, she needs help at the orphanage." They looked amongst each other and nodded, Hotch being the first to speak up.

"Alright, let's go."

Silence? (Adopted by Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now