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Both had been avoiding each other for quite a while now. Neither of them had said a single word to each other. But in hopes to actually talk to her once more, Hunter would wake up early hoping to run into her. He'd go out for morning rides at the beach or go out for a run in hopes of running into her on the trail, but she was never around.

Gwen would still often wake up early. This time it being to the thought of Hunter lying to her. She'd wake up breathing heavily, heart hurting from the memory. But instead of taking that stress out by going out for a run, she'd just lay in her bed despite not being able to go back to sleep.

Gwen had a feeling that Hunter was out hoping to run into her, but she didn't want to take the chance of that actually happening. So she would lay in her bed till the sun would rise.

When the track finally opened up, Hunter waisted no time on heading over there to take a ride. Blake arrived later in the day. He watched his older brother ride around while he prepared himself.

Hunter spotted Blake at the top of the hill. He rode around once more before riding up to him. Hunter took off his helmet and began catching his breath. He was breathing heavily and sweaty. "Looks like you've been here for hours. How long have you been here?" Blake asked.

"Since it opened up." Hunter said as he hopped of his bike.

"You've been here for over two hours?" Blake asked. hunter nodded his head. "You're crazy. Why are you here so early anyways?"

"I needed some air. To get my mind off things."

"You mean to get you mind off Gwen?"

"Why ask if you already know?"

"Just wanted to make sure."

Hunter began taking off his gar and putting them in his bag. he then turned to Blake while playing with his necklace. "Have you talked to Gwen?"

"I'm guessing you took my advice and gave her some space?"

Hunter didn't say anything. Just looked down at the floor and played with the necklace some more.

Blake stopped what he was doing and leaned against the truck while fixing his gloves. "Yes I've talked to her. But she hasn't said anything about you."

Hunter nodded his head. "Then what has she talked about?"

"Nothing really. I'm usually the one making or holding up the conversation. She doesn't like to talk much."

"At least she'll tolerate being around you." Hunter muttered.

Blake walked over and patted Hunter's shoulder. "Like I said, it'll take time. I know it's driving you crazy right now, but this is best for both of you."

"I know." Hunter looked down at the time on his watch and sighed. "I have to go."

"You heading somewhere?"

"I have a shift at Storm Chargers soon. I need to get going." Hunter said.

"Then I'll meet you and the others there later."


Cam watched Gwen as she ran her third lap. It didn't even seem like she was breaking a sweat. If anything, she seemed like she could go another ten hours like this. But he obviously knew that was impossible.

When she spotted her brother walking towards her, Gwen stopped at the end of the track and sat down on the grass. She laid down to catch her breath and closed her eyes. "What are you doing here? You never go out." She asked.

"Dad told me to come check on you. He said you looked stressed out this morning."

Gwen sat up as he handed her the bottle. "He wasn't wrong." Gwen mumbled.

Cam sat down right besides her. "What's on your mind this time?"

"Do you really have to ask?" She scoffed.

"I don't even know why I did." Cam laughed.

Gwen took another sip of the water. She closed the bottle before laying back down. She let out a sigh as she laid back down. "I can't get him out of my head. It's so frustrating. I want these thoughts gone. But every time I want to get rid of them I can't because he's always around."

It was always that stupid smile of his. That messy hair that looked like he never brushed. Those pretty blue eyes. It was all so distracting. Everything about him was distracting.

"I hate it so much." She muttered.

"Maybe it would be best if you tried getting along with him instead."

"Not happening." Gwen sat up and glared at him.

"Look, I can tell it's killing both of you. And it's not just frustrating both of you guys. It's frustrating the rest of us. Especially with Hunter constantly asking about you all the time because he doesn't want to bother you."

Gwen sat up confused. "What?" She asked.

"He thinks the only way to get close to you again is by giving you your space. But it's killing him, so he's constantly asking everyone about you." Cam said.

The watch on Cam's arm buzzed, and out came their father's voice.

"Cam, there's something wrong with the computer, and I'm not sure what the problem is."

"I'll be right there." Cam turned to Gwen, who was looking away from him. "I'll talk to you later. Call if you need anything."

"Will do." Gwen muttered.

Cam left right away. Gwen was left alone on the grass. She specifically came for a run to get rid of these thoughts. But they just wouldn't go away.

Gwen felt her phone buzz. She let out a sigh when she read Kelly's name. She didn't feel like working. And there was definitely a chance Hunter was going to be there.

Gwen could hear a group of boys laughing with each other. She turned towards the noise and saw the soccer team coming out of their locker room.

She didn't know if working with Hunter would be better than staying here, but she didn't plan to stick around for much longer.


Before Gwen could even open up the door, Kelly came running out and tossed her the keys. "Sorry. Family emergency. Thanks for closing up for me. See you later."

Gwen was left standing in confusion with the keys in her hand. She walked inside to find it a bit busy already. Luckily for her, it didn't seem like anyone needed help.

She made her way to the backroom to put her things away. She stopped when she found Hunter grabbing a few boxes from the top shelf.

Hunter turned around when he felt someones presence enter the room. His body stiffened when he realized it was Gwen. He awkwardly waved at her, not saying a single word. He knew Kelly had called someone for help, he just didn't think it'd be Gwen.

Gwen placed her bag on the desk and turned back around. Hunter dropped his head and sighed in disappointment. He felt that it was still too soon. But it felt like this was going on forever.

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