Chapter 8

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Cha Mijo isn't in the mood as her alarm clock rings, groaning she turns it off. Getting up, she streches before opening her curtains slowly to not wake up Joo-hee and Chan-young that were sleeping on the floor and greets the world a good morning.

Luckily, they were still able to get the inflatable matress all ready. Joo-hee and Chan-young went crazy after seeing the flowers Mi-jo received last night. All the tiredness resulting in them sleeping soundly, with snoring, though they'll deny it once they've woken up.

Mijo laughs at the scene of her best friends, reminiscing what happened last night, to which was a blast. From Joo-hee screaming, to Chan-young making sure it was from Dae-sik.

She did try adding his SMS account the night before she went to sleep. Having a little bit of hope he'd reply to her.

She gets ready for the day, heading to bathroom and fixes breakfast for them after bathing. Her Mother wakes up moments later and helps her. Which gives her time to check her phone.

She beams upon finding out he replied.

I hope you didn't think of it as creepy 😁, I'm glad you liked the flowers :)

Mi-jo quickly types a reply,

Thanks again, I hope to see you soon.

A smile appears on her face. She receives another text from him.

Why don't we meet later? Maybe at a café if you're free.

Mijo squeals around to her Mother's shock.

Sure, I know a good one around here. Maybe around 4, later?

It takes him a few minutes to reply making her worried. She lets out a sigh of relief as soon as he replies.

Sure. Is it ok if I'll pick you up later?

This time, she screams. Ignoring that Chan-young, Joo-hee, and Mi-hyeon are still fast asleep.

Yes, I'm absolutely fine with that. I'll see you later then. :)

A smile crept up to her face as she squealed.

She was going on a date!

When Mi-jo looked up she saw Chan-young, arms crossed with a smirk on her face.

Approaching her, Chan-young asks. "Who was that."

Mijo pulls her phone to her chest. "No one."

"Are you going to tell me or I'm gonna have to get Joo-hee to help me."

"Go see if Joo-hee's gonna get up right away when she tired herself out last night." Mijo rolls her eyes.

"Oh heck she'll spring out of bed when I tell her you just squealed over a text that's possibly from Dae-sik but I don't want to get my hopes up because that just hurts." Chan-young says, before standing up from the couch.

"No you are not." Mijo bursts from the couch, following Chan-young into her room.

"Jang Joo-hee! Wake up, our Mijo is texting someone." Chan-young says as soon as she gets into the room. Mijo hits her in the arm after closing the door.

Joo-hee groaned, tossing around. "I don't care. Maybe it's Mi-hyeon Eonnie. Just shut up will you."

"It's Dae-sik—" Before Chan-young coould continue, Joo-hee had already sprang up out of her blankets, making Mijo and Chan-young burst into laughter.

"Continue." Joo-hee says.

"It wasn't Dae-sik, Joo-hee. You can either go back to bed or come out and eat already. I think Eomma's about to finish cooking." Mijo informs Joo-hee. While Chan-young gave her a side eye.

She only had one problem. She needs to get the girls out of the house. Without leaving any suspicion to them.


Dae-sik and Jin-woo were both resting in the comfort of their room. Jin-woo watching some sort of drama while Dae-sik wasn't really resting, he was rummaging through is luggage with a giddy smile on his face.

Jin-woo turned off the TV as soon as the drama ended. Turning his attention to Dae-sik, his face could say it all. The last time he saw Dae-sik looking that giddy and excited was over 4 years ago.

"What's going on?" Jin-woo asked, confused. Dae-sik shaked his head as he continued rummaging. "Answer me, Dae-sik." Jin-woo demanded, placing his hands on his hips.

Dae-sik groaned before turning to Jin-woo, "Nothing." Dae-sik paused for a while. "I-I'm just checking my clothes."

"With a giddy smile on your face?"

"Yes. Why? What's wrong with that?"

"So much." Jin-woo's arms crossed. "You're not like this. You never care about your clothes."

"I'm a changed man."

"Yeah, right. Dae-sik, I'm not dumb. I've been through this when I met Jin-ah."

"And what are you implying?"

"That you're starting to like someone." Jin-woo smirked, while Dae-sik's jaw dropped.

"No I am not!"

"Psh. Whatever you say." Jin-woo raised his finger before continuing, "Your Mom called earlier..." Jin-woo hesitated to continue.


Jin-woo sighed. "She wants you home as soon as possible."


"Hi." Mijo greets shyly as she boards the car.

"Hello, where are we going?"

"You'll find out." Mijo winks.

A few minutes later, Mijo is dragging Dae-sik from the parking lot. She was way to excited for this "date" she was having. Dae-sik just chuckled at her.

They were now seated across each other  after placing their orders. A Mocha Latté and Croissant for Mijo and a Cappucino for Dae-sik.

Dae-sik excused himself for a while. When he came back she saw him carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"For you." Dae-sik handed Mijo the flowers as he sat down. Mijo giggled as she thanked him. Minutes later their orders arrive, but before Mijo could start eating, Dae-sik spoke up.

Dae-sik let out a deep breath before starting, "Cha Mijo, I know this will sound weird. Especially since we've only known each other for not even a week at most." Dae-sik paused, observing Mijo's reaction. Her face was full of confusion. No part of her could understand what he was saying.

"Cha Mijo, I like you." Dae-sik looked down, fiddling with his fingers.

Dae-sik, I've loved you for years already. That was what her heart badly wanted to say, but her mind wouldn't allow her. It was a fight. Between her mind and heart.

Her mind kept telling her Not now, Cha Mijo. It isn't time yet. Don't make new memories with him when he can't even remember your past memories. That hurt her so much.

Even if she badly wanted to say yes, she couldn't. That wouldn't be practical. It's his heart that said that to her, not his mind. Those words whispered by the voice in her head rang repeatedly.

It was to the point she spaced out. It wasn't until Dae-sik gently rubed his finger on her hand. "I'm not saying you need to reciprocate those feelings I have for you. It's alright."

Those words warmed her. "N-no, it isn't like that, Dae-sik. I'm just confused with what I feel. I need some time. That's all I need." Mijo replied with a warm smile on her face.

Dae-sik rubbed her hand again. "It's alright. We'll take it at your pace."



Hello everyonee! Less that 24 hours and BinJin is getting married 😭 This might be my last update for a while <3 I hope all of you enjoyyyyyy

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