25 - Positive And Negative

Start from the beginning

"I think... Its not appropriate for the kid to hear this kind of conversation..." Tzuyu said

Yeonwoo smirked

"well right haha! Im gonna call her nanny now to fetch her here... You know.. its too hard to raise a kid without a partner" Yeonwoo said while dialing the number of their nanny on her phone

Tzuyu cant help but to feel her heart being suddenly broken as she heard her saying raising a kid without a partner. Did Taehyung abandoned them? She thought.

Then she just stared hardly to the kid and tried her best to find some Taehyung features on the child while Yeonwoo is busy calling their nanny

Then she just stared hardly to the kid and tried her best to find some Taehyung features on the child while Yeonwoo is busy calling their nanny

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I really...couldnt see him... She said inside her mind again. But She's just 3 years old... Her physical appearance could still change through the years... Maybe when she got older, her nose would be more prominent like him... Tzuyu further think inside her mind.

"okay, okay, be quick, tae-yeon is crying here now" Yeonwoo said on her phone then she ended the call

"Tae-yeon?" Tzuyu repeated

"yeah, thats her name. A combination of her parent's name, cute isnt it?" Yeonwoo said as she smiled

Tzuyu tried to smile back at her but  failed. She just drank a glass of water.

"Drink a lot more water, girl

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"Drink a lot more water, girl. You have to prepare yourself for the revelations Im gonna tell you later" Yeonwoo smirked

Tzuyu gulped and suddenly stopped drinking

She felt quite triggered and annoyed with her

She felt quite triggered and annoyed with her

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Taehyung's Home (COMPLETED) TaetzuWhere stories live. Discover now