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Venus was all for taking action and being a go-getter, but only if one very carefully and articulately made a plan. Though she may not seem it, Venus thinks before she acts. Even if she's blinded by rage, grief or whatever she always has a plan. She knows that going in blindly wouldn't do any good; besides, if you plan ahead, it just makes revenge all the sweeter.

She gets it, she really does. Jason undoubtedly feels hurt and betrayed, she expected nothing less. It was bound to happen sooner or later--and with her luck, it was sooner. Quite inconvenient, if you ask her. She'd rather Jason not attack Tim on live television, but whatever.

Starting the car, Venus gnawed at her lips. There's a good chance she'd get there before Jason, but on the other hand, he was angry and determined. Plus, parkour was kind of his thing. So, she revved the car's engine and took off, dodging other cars and pedestrians. She's had her fair share of car chases back in the day.

"Shit!" Venus banged her palm into the steering wheel and honked her horn impatiently, getting dangerously close to the car in front of her. But it was no use; the traffic in downtown Gotham was stopped, and nobody appeared to be moving anytime soon. Glancing at the stopped cars beside and behind her, Venus cursed her luck and shoved the door open. She began running towards the museum, ignoring the shouts behind her. She'd come back later for the car; Jade would understand, hopefully.

Her battered sneakers pushed against the pavement as she sprinted through Gotham, shoving people out of her way. The city began to blur around her as the situation began to sink in. Jason was going to kill Tim, or at the very least, beat the shit out of him. It was pretty ironic, actually. Venus doesn't know whether she should laugh or cry; Tim practically idolizes Jason, and in return, Jason is going to beat him silly. Crying would be more appropriate, though it is very funny. Not.

Venus slowed to a jog as the museum came into sight; the news vans were gone, and so was Tim. It was fairly deserted, save for the small group of cops guarding the front entrance. The faint sound of grunting caught Venus's attention, and she glanced up at the flat roof of the building. To her annoyance, Jason and Tim were already going at it on the roof. Which was very inconvenient, because now she has to climb all the way up there.

She ran to the side of the building, searching for the fire escape ladder. Finding it, she scaled up the ladder quickly. Almost at the top, Venus heard a shout and to her surprise, Tim was thrown over the side of the building, hurtling straight towards her. Her eyes widened and she threw her arm out, catching him by the cape. She groaned and gritted her teeth; her arm surely would've snapped if she wasn't enhanced.

Tim glanced at her in shock, his eyes under the domino mask widening. He nodded his head in thanks and clambered onto the ladder below Venus. She frowned when she noticed that his whole body was shaking slightly and his right cheekbone was badly bruised. Poor kid.

"Did he seriously just throw you off the roof?" Venus exclaimed, continuing to climb up. That was low, even for Jason. Throwing scrawny, teenaged boys off of a building? He did seem to be at an all time low these days, so she didn't know why she was even surprised.

Grunting, Tim followed her lead. "Gonna be honest, he's not what I expected."

"Yeah," Venus responded absentmindedly. "Dying will do that to you."

Her hand rested on the last bar, and she pursed her lips. "Maybe you should stay here. So he doesn't try to throw you off the roof again."

"I'll wait a few minutes," Tim said shortly, expression unreadable. Venus shrugged and jumped gracefully onto the roof, only to find Jason waiting inches away from her. He threw a punch, and Venus dodged his arm, throwing herself into a roll to his right.

NEW FLESH, jason toddOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz