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Alfred greeted her as she stepped through the door, heels echoing on the marble floor. 

"Master Bruce is wrapping up with the guests in the main room," Alfred said curtly. "May I interest you in a grilled cheese?" 

Venus grinned widely. She needed one, after the day she had. "That'd be great."

He bowed his head slightly. "Make yourself at home, Miss Carter."

After watching Alfred retreat into the kitchens, Venus made her way tiredly to the living room, where she collapsed on the long sofa. She sighed as she kicked off her heels. She owes Dick an apology, she supposed. He only meant well, even though he was utterly wrong on almost all accounts. 

Her phone buzzed again, for the fifth time that day. Venus grimaced. It was Ryder, undoubtedly worried about her after the ambush in the alleyway. She loves him, really, but she just doesn't have the energy to lie to him. Venus can't exactly spill her life story or why she chased after Red Hood. Having normal friends is hard, and she's not sure if they're worth the effort anymore.


Venus twisted to see Tim standing in the doorway in his dark tux, a glass of water in his hands. "Oh, hello Tim." 

The boy hesitantly stepped forward and sat on the sofa across from her, the warm fireplace shining on his dark hair. "Hullo. How'd you like the gala?"

"Boring," She shrugged. "Yet, eventful. That was your first one, right?"

Tim shook his head. "Third. There were a couple a few months ago. Can't say they're anything special, though." 

"They used to be fun, I guess you just have to go with the right person," Venus said, playing with the hem of her dress. She was beginning to grow quite fond of Tim. He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and a decent amount of common sense. 

The silence enveloped them as they sat comfortably, watching the dancing flames in the fireplace. 

"Erm, if you don't mind me asking," Tim murmured, twiddling with his thumbs. "What's your story?" 

Venus's head snapped up. "My story?" 

Tim nodded, tapping his foot gently against the floorboards. "Yeah, like, how you became who you are. Everybody has one. Bruce is an orphan, Dick was an acrobat, and Jason was a thief. What were you?" 

She tilted her head to the side, pondering his words. What was she? Easy; selfish, murderer, liar. Venus wasn't a good person by any means. What pains her, though, is the thought that she hasn't changed at all. What if she was the exact same person she was years ago? The same heartless killer who just didn't care. She hasn't killed anyone as of recently, but she certainly isn't against it. If anyone hurt her friends, Venus wouldn't hesitate to break every bone in their body. So, maybe she still isn't a great person, but at least she's improved a little.

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to" Tim added nervously. "I know those things are hard to talk about sometimes."

"Has Bruce told you anything? Or Dick?" Venus asked the boy, who seemed to be on the edge of his seat. 

"No, just that you're super badass," He grinned as his fingers tapped against his leg. Venus eyed the movement warily before raising her brows.

"Well, they're right about that," She smirked jauntily. "I guess I better start from the top, yeah? Get comfortable, it's a long story."

Tim adjusted himself excitedly and Venus almost laughed. How curious this boy was! She hasn't told her story to anyone in a while; maybe it'd make her feel better. Make her feel less burdened. If she was going to trust anyone, it'd be Tim. 

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