one: interview

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My vision consisted of nothing but a black void...

I liked this void, I liked the feeling of security in the absence of anything harmful. Sadly, however, this illusion was broken by the sound of church bells flooding my ears. Like shattered glass, the void receded from my mind and I was plunged into consciousness.

I squinted my eyes against the bright light of the room. After trying, and failing to adjust to the feeling of vision, I squeezed my eyes closed.

"DANIEL! WAKE UP CHILD!" A voice boomed in my ears.

My eyes snapped awake, white spots filling my sight. I jolted up in bed, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. My eyes cleared up and I was able to see my superior standing before me.

He glared down at me in such a way that I felt like prey being hunted by a predator. "Get up and get your pathetic body to the main hall, now!" The man said sternly. I nodded my head frantically, hoping to appease him.

He stepped back from my bed and I got to my feet, moving towards my box of clothing given to me by our caretakers. Although today was the day I would no longer need caretakers.

Today I will become a true member. Born in the compound, I am expected to grow into a leader myself. Weather I will work here or leave and become an enlightener is what will be decided today.

I got dressed in my white gown, given to all the youngs here. Once I am assigned a role in the cult I will be put through enlightenment, and then trained for my position.

Im so excited!

That was the last naive look I had on my future. I smiled at the recollection of memories when I was a child in the compound, or as we call them, youngs. Since then I was assigned to be an enlightener, and put through the training.

I shuddered thinking about the grueling things I endured, all in the name of the great zeemüge. And I regret nothing! My enlightenment showed me the light! And now I must show others that same light!

That's why I'm driving up to my new assignment right now, camp Campbell! Im so excited to meet every new young-to-be! After my last camp, I was nearly compromised!

Not this time however! I will succeed and prove my loyalty and worth to the all knowing zeemüge!

I could feel my smile widen as my car pulled up to the camp. I stepped out of the driver side door and looked up at the wooden sign displaying, "Camp Campbell" however, the last four letters of the sign seem to have fallen off. How odd...

I dismissed that and started a happy trek up the dirt pathway, to find this "Gwen"

I assumed she was the one in charge here so I would have to impress her with a bright smile and charming attitude! I walked up to a cabin labeled "counselors cabin, don't enter or else!!!" The last four words were scribbled on in red marker.

That must be for the campers, they must be a rowdy bunch. Nothing a lesson of the greatness and all purity of the one true god can't fix!

I walk confidentiality up to the door, and knock. A moment passes but the door swings open and I'm met with a beaming face of a woman. I smile at her and she stops to take in my appearance.

Im in my assigned outfit, white clothes. Her face drops for some reason, despite my friendly smile.

"hello! Im here about the job application in the paper! I hope I'm not too late!"

Just then I notice a man with red hair and green eyes peer out from behind the woman in front of me. He looks at me and his eyes seem to light up.

"too late? Your the first one here! Hi I'm David!" David pushes the woman who, I assume to be Gwen, out of the way and holds out his hand.

I take it and shake his hand, his hands are rough but warm. His grip is kind and soft, as if he wouldn't dare squeeze too hard as to harm a spec of dust on me.... I like him already!

"Im Daniel! I hope we can become good friends!" I responded cheerfully.

"of course! In fact we can become CBFLs!" David cheers.

"councillor buddies for life?" I respond enthusiastically.

"See Gwen! I didn't make it up!" David said, looking over to the woman.

"no, that just means means your both psychos." Gwen retorted.

I smiled at their banter, they seem like the perfect vict- I mean, ascendees... Well maybe not Gwen...

"Hey david, I just realized, I have some vacation days I'm ready to use right about now." Said Gwen.

"well that shouldn't be a problem with Daniel here so-" David was cut off.

"great! Thanks I'll start right now!" Gwen said producing an already packed bag and darting out the door.

Well, that solves that problem.

"welp, guess it will just be me and you, Daniel!" David said, turning to me.

"dose this mean I'm hired?" I asked.

"yep!" David said with a bubbly smile.

"fantastic! That was my easiest interview yet!" I laughed.

"great! You can start now! I need to give a lecture to the kids about dangerous explosives, then you can introduce yourself!" David rambled on, while leading me out of the cabin.

Well, that was certainly easy, especially with how nice David is...

David... I might just miss him...

No no, you can't get too attached... Not after last time.

I cringed and pushed the Thought out of my head, focusing at the task at hand.

Helping this sorry camp reach ascension!!!

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