Yanfei: Chapter 1

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I was nervous, but not too nervous. Now that I'm a 2nd year at Xiao Highschool, the expectations are way higher. First of all, now I'm going to be living in dorms, with some random person. At least it's an all girl highschool I thought, being very gay. I approached the large door with 253 written on it. "Here goes nothing..." I mutter, bursting the door open. Two beds, two desks, a bathroom, and one dresser. A cute girl sat on the left bed, looking startled. "H-hello! You must be my roommate, I'm Yanfei!" she did a little wave at me, and I stared blankly into her beautiful green eyes. "Hu Tao." I reply, smirking. She's so cute, and your so gay! I dread it. We both say nothing, and I start to unpack. As I do so, I take quick glances at her, as if I could admire her for years. She's writing something, probably filling out the forms for the dorms. "Need some help?" I ask. "Actually, yeah I do!" she sounds relieved. I walk over to her bed and scoot next to her. I could feel the warmth of her body, but I dared not to blush. With my nails, I point to the paper, and explain what it's asking for. But, honestly, all I was doing was admiring her, her eyes, her hair, her voice, everything. "Oh, thanks, I get it now!" she nervously giggled at the end. "No problem." I reply. I walk away, and finish unpacking. 

-After Hu Tao finished unpacking-

My new room was amazing; it comes with a really comfortable bed, a huge shower, and one super cute roommate. I flunk down onto my soft bed, and stretch. "So, Yanfei," I turn over to look at her "Tell me more about yourself."                                                                                                                           "Oh, okay!" she sounds grateful, as if she wanted to tell me all along.                                                         "I'm the child of an adeptus father and a human mother. When I grew up, they went to adventure, placing me in the hands of Madame Ping. I reside in Liyue, serving as a legal advisor for its people. And I'm honored to be your roommate at Xiao highschool!" she stands up and poses, which causes me to laugh. "What about you, Hou Tao?" she asks me. "Well," I begin  "I'm Hu Tao, the 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor." I say it loud and proud. "And I'm into females." I add, smirking. She freezes. I hear her mutter something, and I swear it was "me too."                                                                                                                                                                                              "We should get to bed." she says, quickly changing the subject. "Right!" I agree. So, yeah! Yanfei; a cute, sweet girl is my roommate. One shower. You hear that? {Keep it PG Hu Tao -_-}

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