Sugar Glaze - Part 4

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 You made your way out into the garden, sitting down under one of the large trees. Its branches happily swing in the warm breeze. Being out of that bed made you feel so much better. With a soft sigh, you manage to the caught sight of Katakuri and one of his sisters. Of course, you didn't feel the need to get in their way or even get his attention. Besides, sitting on the sidelines and just looking at him from afar was enough for you. Whenever he would catch your gaze, he wouldn't do much but offer you a gentle nod. Nothing too rude, or something that is overly exaggerated. Of course, that made your heart swell for some reason.

 His sister glanced over at you, making you quickly look away. The sister, Brulee, looked up to Katakuri and questioned him. "Ah, I've noticed (Y/N) has been staring at you an awful lot lately. Have you two become a thing?" She smiles warmly up at him.

 Katakuri slowly looked down at Brulee, "No. I have better things to worry about than trying to be with someone that I should consider an enemy." He closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Besides...I'd rather keep to myself than anything else."

 "It doesn't have to be that way..." Brulee cut in, "I want to see you happy, Katakuri. I know you work so hard and such...but don't you think you should be more laid back when you are home and not on a mission?" She tilted her head. He closes his eyes and sighed. Soon, he opened his eyes and looked down at his younger sister. Brulee's smile was soft and sweet, beaming happily up at Katakuri. He softly blushed and hid his face deeper into his scarf.

 "I...will consider it." He mumbled softly. Brulee squealed happily, causing Katakuri to slightly jump at the sudden noise.

 "I'll go speak to them now!" She chirped happily, Katakuri gently grabbed her wrist. Brulee turned to eye her brother. He slowly shook his head.

 "I can't let you do that.." She studied his face, noticing a soft blush peeking from under his scarf. She softened up and giggled, nodding to him. "Thank you. If I go out of my way to do this. I need to wait."

 "You're talking as if this is some sort of battle. They're just like us...well, kinda." she looks down at the ground. "Just don't overthink things, be yourself! You're very sweet, even though you don't like to share it, I know they'll like you!" Brulee nods and smiles up at her older brother, "Don't go overboard with your haki...Kata-chan~" She giggled and walked away, Katakuri watched her every move until she disappeared into the corridor.

 He softly sighed to himself, thinking about (Y/N). Soon, his eyebrow started to twitch. He could feel his cheeks growing hot. 'This is embarrassing and ridiculous...' Katakuri thought to himself, he opened his eyes and looked over to where you were. You were nowhere to be found. His eyes scanned the garden, soon laying on your figure. You seemed at peace for once, gingerly grazing your hand against the soft flowers.

 You looked up from your slight daydream to catch the eyes of the fuchsia-haired Charlotte. He quickly looked away, causing you to blush slightly. In your head, you thought to yourself. 'Should I go and say hi?...Nah."  You shook your head softly. Before you could walk away, a shadow was cast over you. You slowly looked up, scanning the leathered pants of Katakuri. Quickly, you stumble back. He opened his eyes and glared down at you. 

 'Speak, damn it!' You gulped, "Oh...hey, Katakuri!" You tried to smile up at him. He wasn't as bad as what everyone said, but he snuck up on you. You weren't ready to be greeted yet. "Um... it's good to see you, how is your day

 His eyes scanned your smaller figure, nuzzling into his scarf. "Good...afternoon, (Y/N)," Katakuri spoke softly. He crouched down to meet your eyes, well, as much as he can. You can easily see every feature he was slightly hiding, except his mouth. The one thing that got your interest. "I ask you something..." He cooed from his chest. You were stunned, all you can do was nod. His eyes softened. "May I ask you to join me in my...merienda?" Katakuri asked in a low whisper. It was hard to hear, with this low voice mixed in with the fabric of his scarf, you stood there and blinked. Not out of question for what he said, but out of shock.

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