Arc 1 prologue: Ayanokouji Kiyone's soliloquy

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I know this is kind of sudden, but, please, it will only take a moment. I want your honest opinion.

Are people equal or not?

A proper society will constantly strive for equality. There are those who clamour for men and women to always be considered equal. As a result, employment rates were improved for us, and specialised subway cars were made for us. Sometimes, we would even argue over the order of names in a family register. The public opinion of people with disabilities has also changed. We're now told that we shouldn't use the term "disabled people" when referring to them.", so as not to discriminate. Nowadays, children are taught that all people are created equal.

But is that true? I have my doubts. If men and women have different abilities, then their roles should also differ. People with disabilities are still disabled, no matter what polite euphemisms you use. No matter how you try to avert your eyes, the meaning of the word does not change.

So, my answer would be, "no, we are not equal." To be human is to be unequal. Equality does not exist.

Long ago, in a bygone era, a great man said that heaven does not set one man above or below any other. However, he did not necessarily agree to the idea that everyone is equal. Did you know that there is more to that famous passage? The rest goes like this:

Everyone is equal when they are born, so I ask, why do we see differences in position and status?

And it continues:

Do you not encourage learning to create a difference?

So then, education creates an imbalance. The point's spelled out there, in the incredibly famous work Gakumon no Sume. Even though this is the year 2015, the modern era, nothing about these teachings has changed. The situation has only grown more complex and fraught.

In any case, we are human beings. We are living, thinking creatures.

I don't think it right to simply say that we are unequal and then are lives are based on pure instinct. In other words, though "equality" is a complete lie, we cannot accept inequality, either. Right now, I'm trying to come up with a new answer for humanity's eternal question.

Hey, you there. You, the one reading this shitty fanFiction right now. Have you ever given serious thought to the future?

Have you ever considered the purpose of going to high school or college? Though the future may seem hazy right now, do you think you'll find a job someday? That's what I used to think. Back when I finished my compulsory education and became a high school student, I hadn't really considered the future. I'd only felt the joy at being nearly free of obligation. I didn't consider the incredible influence that school would continue to have in my life, on my future. I didn't even understand the purpose behind studying language or numbers.

Authors notes
493 words
Yep. I'm back. I told you this wasn't the end.
Now, don't have any high expectations. This is still gonna contain a lot of text from the ln, but that's just because Kinugasa says it best. The main difference is the absence of the T-Rex, though.
I'm sorry for how I ended things with starting in class C. To be honest, I was disappointed not just with the ending, but the entire last few chapters. I tried to introduce too many big brain ideas too soon. Check it out, it's pretty shit.
Not much else to say really.
Hope you're all doing well, and I hope you enjoyed.

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