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I tried calling him but he didn't answer. He was probably busy with rehearsals so I decided to go to my closet and just look for something nice and casual. A few minutes I got a text from Aaron. I'm busy now.. Anything important? Knowing what to wear probably isn't considered that important, but asking wasn't going to hurt anyone, right? I'll just text him and if he can he'll reply.

Not that important, but I was just wondering where we're going tonight.. I need to know what to wear. I sent with a smile on my face. Aaron and I are going on our first date. It's like a dream come true. I looked back at my closet not knowing what to do.

The phone buzzed and I was glad to see Aaron could answer me. It's a surprise ;-) don't wear anything fancy, stay with casual clothing. I'll call you when I'm finished here. Ok? Something casual. So what should it be? I thought to myself as I quickly replied yes.

I ended up choosing a red short sleeved shirt, a light black jacket above and black jeans. I hope I wasn't underdressed. When I finished getting dressed I went to my bathroom to do my hair and makeup, trying to keep it as simple as possible.

I finished getting ready and looked at my watch. Aaron will be here soon. He had called while I was getting ready telling me that he'll be here half an hour later, that was twenty minutes ago. So I decided to continue a little with the studying as I had free time and tomorrow I won't be able too.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door. I closed my books, took my purse and went to the door. "I am so sorry I'm late!" Aaron said as soon as I opened my door. "Its fine" I laughed. He looked a little out of breath, as if he's been running here.

"You want to drink something?" I asked seeing his breathing didn't slow down. "No its fine" he said with a smile. "And you look really nice" he said leaning down and quickly kissing me on my lips. "You don't look so bad yourself" I said blushing looking at him. He wore a red buttoned shirt and black jeans. And when I realized that I couldn't stop laughing.

"What is it?" Aaron asked confused. "We're matching" I said looking down at my shirt and then at his again, Aaron doing the same and then started laughing too. "Well I think it's cute" he said grabbing my hand in his leading towards the hall. "I think so too" I said calming down.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked as I locked the door to my apartment. "It depends. How hungry are you? Do you want to eat now or can it wait for later?" he asked as we left my building. "I'm not that hungry right now. But aren't you? You came straight from rehearsal!" I answered.

"Don't worry about me. I've had a little to eat and I can wait. We'll go eat later" he said smiling at me dragging me in a direction I didn't know. I've been in NY for a while now but I still didn't know my neighborhood so well. "So now can you finally tell me where you're taking me?" I asked growing a little impatient. I really don't like surprises.

"We're going bowling" Aaron said with a silly grin on his face which made me laugh again. "But I don't want to embarrass you on our first date" I said innocently. Truth is, I'd love to see his face when he sees he's losing.

"And what makes you think you'll embarrass me?" he said giving me a look full of confidence. "My dad is a professional bowler. And he taught me how to play since I was a kid" I smiled thinking back on those memories. "Well then I'll try and not make too big of a fool of myself" he said and we both laughed from that.

We got to the bowling alley, got our shows on and went to our lane. Aaron was going first and he looked nervous and I couldn't help but laugh which made him even more nervous, so I went and gave him a hug. "I'll be your girlfriend even if you suck at bowling" I whispered in his ear and giving a small chuckle.

Aaron quickly turned around and kissed me and before I could hug him he let go and aimed his ball. "Good luck" I said and stood behind him as he threw the ball hitting 6 of the pins. He turned around with a stupid smile on his face which made me laugh again.

He took another ball and threw it, hitting the remaining 4 pins. Before I realized what was happening I was in the air, spinned around by a very happy Aaron. "Put me down" I squealed even though I enjoyed being held by Aaron.

After another round Aaron let me down with such a big smile that melted my heart. I took my ball aiming it and had a strike. I turned around to see Aaron looking at me amazed, his mouse open. "Close your mouth or the bugs will come in" I laughed at him.

"I didn't think you were that good" he said sounding like a small kid who doesn't like to lose. "I warned you" I said smiling from the way he looked as he took the ball hitting 9 pins this time. He threw the second ball seconds after without looking at me.

"So I see you're very competitive" I said a little annoyed. I wanted this to be fun. Not for him to sulk instead of enjoying this. "I'm not competitive, I'm just not used to being beaten in bowling" he said after he saw that he missed the one pin by so little.

"I'm not winning yet. And even if I do, what does it matter?" I asked as I threw a ball hitting 8 pins and then getting only 1 of the 2 remaining ones down. "You're right. We should enjoy this. I shouldn't be like this" he said smiling at me and holding me close to him.

We kept on playing, me winning but Aaron wasn't bad so he wasn't far behind with his score. Aaron made sure not to sulk about it but enjoy this evening as we turned our conversation to our day and other random things.

"It's time to go celebrate your victory" Aaron said grabbing my hand as we handed back the shoes. "Ok. Where are we going?" I said happily as I was beginning to get very hungry. "There's a great café not far from here if you'd like" he said sounding nervous.

"A café sounds great" I smiled at him leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked there. We got there and sat at a quiet table on the said not saying anything, just looking at each other smiling. It felt so nice and relaxing just being here with Aaron.

We ordered our food and continued talking about random stuff until we were tired and decided to head back. I didn't want this date to end but I knew there was no choice. And tomorrow I'll be going with Aaron to rehearsals so I would spend my day with him and I felt less sad at that thought.

"I had a really great time tonight" Aaron said as we reached my apartment. "I did too" I said smiling at him. "well have a good night" he said leaning in to kiss me. I put my hands around his waist pulling him closer to me. I didn't want this to end, but eventually we did and I leaned my head on his chest still hugging him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok? We'll have all day, don't worry" he said smiling down at me and kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Aaron. See you tomorrow" I said as I let go and went into my apartment. I went straight to bed, but didn't fall asleep for hours.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now