Why the hell was a child's shoe in the vent?

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Okay so I realized that some of the description in the last chapter might not have given it away, but while writing the characters I've been picturing them as human design with animal motifs corresponding to their character. I've found some fanart that I'm basing them off of, and if I can find the original artists I'll include the works next chapter. Anyway, sorry if this design of the characters isn't your forte, but if you choose to keep reading, enjoy <]:^)

Sundrop apologised over and over, wiping Pitch’s tears and then hugging him when the technician broke down crying. He sat with Pitch in his lap like a child. Pitch was almost embarrassed. Once Pitch had calmed down, he stood from Sunny’s hug and fished out his cords and laptop from his bag. Sunny helped to connect them, and followed all of Pitch’s instructions to a T.

“Pitch, I’m so sorry. If I had any control over the situation I would have done so. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Sunny removed the plugs once Pitch put his laptop away. Pitch closed the necessary panels and screwed them in where needed. Sunny needed extra security to make sure no children fiddled with panels and switches. Sunny stood up with Pitch’s bag, helping him to get it onto his back. Pitch knew Sunny liked helping with menial things, so he didn’t fight it. Sunny gave Pitch one last hug and walked him to the exit. Pitch promised to check the whole circuit before leaving that day. 

“See you later buddy.” Pitch fist bumped him as he walked out the door. He plugged in his earbuds and made his way through the halls to Parts and Service. If Monty wasn't there then he would have to differ the consequences of stiff joints until Pitch cared enough to fix him. 
Speaking of things he cared to fix, he hadn’t checked on his secret project in a few days. Monty could wait. Pitch was still adjusting to the idea that the alligator had seen him panic and cry. Pitch passed the Parts and Service room, poking his head in. Of course, there was Monty, looking around. Pitch kept walking down the stairs, floor after floor. He made it to the barely together pile of purple animatronic. 

“Hey buddy, do anything fun this weekend?” Pitch sighed outwardly at his own terrible joke. Pitch crouched down next to the animatronic and connected the required clamps to the terminals on the power supply next to him. With a jolt, Bonnie raised his head and rolled his shoulders as best he could. 

“Do you think I could put what's left of your casing on a new endo?” Pitch asked. “They haven’t been updated in a while.”

Bonnie shrugged. Pitch sat back on his heels, examining the robot like he had many times before. Aside from the separation of his upper and lower body, he was relatively intact. There were cracks in his casing from where he was seemingly ripped apart, but it was nothing that a bit of scrap metal and paint couldn’t fix. 

“Oh, that voice box I ordered should be at my house soon, and with some trial and error I should get you talking again.” Hopefully it was as easy as Chica’s reinstallation. Speaking of, he really had to finish her up. The others were almost finished. It would be no fair to leave her semi intact while everyone else was perfectly rebuilt. He was just adding to his list of things to do before he left and it was almost noon.

Pitch tweaked a few things on Bonnie and had the bunny test the joints that he could. Pitch decided he would lose even more time in the day and went back up a couple flights of stairs to grab an endoskeleton. He took it down to Bonnie, and warned him before shutting him down again. He transferred the casing to the endoskeleton and sat it down so he could reach the head and put the important pieces in. He still needed a voice box and patching in some places, but for a basement rebuilding he looked pretty good. Pitch had spent weeks rewriting the functionality code for Bonnie, and piecing him together to make him work properly without the help of the Pizzaplex’s Parts and Service room. His eyes, joints and seemingly his audio processor worked. 

The Pizzaplex Technician is Ready to QuitNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ