"Hello! Where is Austin," Liza's shrill voice makes the hair on the back of Holi's neck stand up. She untangles herself from Ren and turns to face Liza and Trevor. What are they doing here? This may be Austin's house but seeing as Holi is now living here surely she has a say in who comes in. Both Liza and Trevor would be blocked...and not just from the house.

"I don't know where he is right now," she says making sure to let her annoyance at them come across loud and clear. Trevor opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by the sound of the sliding door opening and Austin steps in from outside.

Liza speed walks to him and throws her arms around his neck. It's only a matter of time before Holi punches her, Ren must have seen her body tense because he reaches out and touches her arm. "Austin, I was so worried about you. This girl was here in the house and you were missing. You can't trust anyone," Liza whines into his shoulder. Holi is going to punch her...Ren grips Holi's arm a little tighter.

Austin pulls a face and pushes Liza away, "what are you on about? Holi lives here...this is her home," he says and walks over to Holi and pulls her into his arms, "and trust? Well, I do trust her...she is my girlfriend," he says and kisses her cheek. Holi looks at Liza making sure to keep her smirk on full display, she shouldn't be so boastful but when it comes to Liza Holi just can't help herself.

"Are you serious?" Trevor says from the side and all of them turn to face me. Austin grips Holi a little tighter, "yes I am, Trevor," Austin says with a hint of warning. Trevor must hear it too because he puts his hands in defense but his smile worried Holi. He is looking at her like she is made of gold.

"This is perfect! Even better than you and Liza dating. When the media catch wind of you not only saving a homeless woman but her being so grateful that she falls in love with you!  Holi can you cry on command?  I can arrange a media release for this afternoon and if you could cry a little when you tell them how grateful you are that Austin saved you that would be even better!" the smile on Trevor's face is un-nerving. He is overly excited about his plan and starts dialing a number on his phone.

But before he can hold it to his ear Holi watches Austin snatch his phone from him and toss it into the pool, "there will be none of that shit. I am tired of your crap plans. If you can't promote my career based on my talents then I will find someone else that can," Austin says in a growl. Holi thinks Trevor would bite back and throw a tantrum but he is so shocked that he just stands there with his mouth open.

"Hello, can-" Liza starts but Ren cut's her off as he starts to gently push her out of the sliding door along with Trevor, "I think it's time for you guys to head out...seems like there are some a new era is afoot," Ren says then slides the door closed. Ren, Holi, and Austin watch Trevor grab the pool net and scoop his phone out of the pool while Liza storms off with her hands in the air.

"Coffee?" Austin offers and Ren nods. The two of them get to chatting like the last few minutes never happened. Holi is not sure what just happened but it feels like it was a big thing...like it's the start of events that will change many things, not only for her but for Austin too.

"Well, Ren. Seems you have less time to consider my offer," Austin says as he slides Holi her coffee. Ren smiles and takes a sip of his own coffee, "I don't need any more time. My answer is yes and I have already set the wheels in motion," he says. Holi has no idea what they are talking about, it annoys her. She hates being in the dark.

"What offer? What are you two talking about? Tell me," she does not mean to sound so demanding, but she wants to know. Austin smirks at her then looks at his watch, "oh shit, we are going to be late. I will tell you later, baby.  Come on," he says grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door. Ren waves his goodbye and Holi has to force herself to shrug off her annoyance, she wants this day - just her and Austin...just a normal day. 

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