Don't Push - The Eighteenth Promise

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June 21st, 2017

There was a knock at his office door, he assumed it to be Ran so he told the person to come in. To his surprise, it was Shinichiro.

"Hey Take-kun, that dude said you'd be in here, I'm shocked to see you actually sitting down for once." The older joked walking in and closing the door behind him.

"Shinichiro-san, I uh, wasn't expecting you." Takemichi was nervous to see the older brother of the guy whose heart he unintentionally broke not too long ago, was he about to be beaten up? No, Shinichiro couldn't fight, well neither could he. Oh my god was this about a pathetic punch on?

"Just thought I'd drop by, check on ya."

"Oh, you're leaving soon again, aren't you?"

"Originally I was, but some people think I should stay for a bit longer...But anyway, it's your birthday in like four days, anything you want?"

Debt to not start piling up with the bakery. A lack of fatigue and overall feeling of shitiness. And perhaps a longer lifespan, all those things would be nice.

"Nothing I can think of really, I mean there's some things that need fixing in the kitchen, but that's my problem."

Shinichiro nods, he knew it would be difficult to try and get an answer out of Takemichi since he's so selfless, but he couldn't help but think that this wasn't entirely what Draken had been talking about. It sounded so serious.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

"Of course not, sit down. Would you like anything?"

"No no, I'm the one intruding, besides, I just ate. But uh, Ken-kun spoke to me and he told me to talk to you, and said there was something that would convince me to stay. But he wouldn't tell me because he wasn't allowed to or something. I was pretty confused but are you all good Take-kun? Is there something to tell me that will make me stay? Is it about Manjirou?"

Takemichi might just murder Draken the next time he sees him. "There's nothing to tell you. Draken is overreacting, I'm just not feeling well is all."

"What way don't you feel well?"

"Physically, just some migraines and nausea. Nothing." Takemichi couldn't even look at Shinichiro, the guilt was overwhelming, all he ever did was lie. But he couldn't. He couldn't tell Shinichiro, not after seeing Emma and Draken's face, he didn't want to see that expression again. Not on Shinichiro, not on Mikey, not on anyone. But it was inevitable wasn't it? No. Yes, it was. But he wanted to ignore it for as long as possible, which wouldn't be long. He was no longer on his treatment and his medications were just helping him get by each day, but now, it was up to nature to decide when to take him.

"Well you see Ken-kun told me to push you until you say something. Are you lying to me about Take-kun? Is it something worse than that?" Don't look at him like that, don't look so concerned, so worried, so caring. Stop it!

"I mean, it's been going on for a while, I have to take medication but it doesn't really help. Nothing helps," he muttered, still avoiding eye contact.

"Waka's a doctor y'know? I can take you to see him, I'm sure he'll find something that'll-"
"Shinichiro-san, please. Please don't keep pushing."

Shinichiro sighed and observed Takemichi's face, his chin trembling and his eyelids fluttering in an attempt to hold himself together. There was more, he knew it. "Take-kun," but he would respect Takemichi's wishes, "I want you to call me once a day, let me know how you're going, okay? If you don't call, I'll burst through your door, don't think I won't. Manjirou isn't the only one that cares about you, you're like my little brother too."

"Pr-promise," came the choked reply. 


Shin's onto him, Kazutora and Michi interaction next chapter to make you sad. Which character do you think it'll be the saddest to read finding out? Personally, how I've imagined writing it, Kazu and Mikey is gonna hurt a lot

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