Because You're the best...

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Clint's P.O.V:

I slowly walked over to Fury's office. Where before I even knocked on the door he told me to enter. I hesitated and then pushed open the tall wooden door. I shut it behind me and walked in.
"Morning Barton,"Fury said facing his chair in the other direction.
"Director," I said sitting down on the chair opposite the desk.I felt like a little kid at school getting told off for misbehaving however I couldn't understand as I hadn't done anything wrong.
"Colouson said you wanted to see me," I uttered just loud enough for Fury to hear me.
Fury spun his chair around so he was facing me and then slowly lean on the table placing down his hands on the surface.

"Barton, I have a mission for you," the words slowly spouted out of his mouth." I have chosen this once specifically for you, so don't let me down Barton."I looked up at him, Colouson was right he did seem pretty serious.
"So then?"I asked,"What exactly do you want me to do?"
Fury gave me a very serious look and placed his hands together. "Barton, you know you're my top assassin, one of my smartest agents and you have one of the best aims." I smiled bashfully.
"No need to big up my already huge ego," I chuckled. But Fury wasn't in a laughing mood.
Then he handed me a file. I began to flicker through it. " I need you to kill the black widow," the words rolled out of his mouth just like a déjà vu. I'd been sent to kill many people in my time and I never failed.
"Piece of cake," I replied.
" I'll let you read the file,"Fury said and then began a conversation with Agent Hill over his ear piece.

I flicked though the boring pages at the start and then began to read when something caught my eye. Woah, I thought as I read her crimes. There was so many. A hospital fire in the region of Novgorod, a shoot out in the centre of Moscow and many others. This girl if I killed her would be my biggest catch ever. I would become the number one assassin in the world-for all the good reasons of course.

Then I turned the page to read her back story. Her real name was unstated but her initials were assumed to be NR. She had been on S.H.I.E.L.Ds radar for along time crimes dating back to 1994 which is a lot to say she was born in 1984. The latest thing she was wanted for was a farm massacre which happened on the 6th May 2008,just last week. This girl maybe trickier to hunt down than I thought but it'll be easy when I kill her. My confidence levels were booming and I felt like I already had the mission in the bag. But then doubt spread across my mind. Everyone gets into this business for a reason. Just like me but im gonna spare you the sob story of the poor young Clint Barton, alone in the world and looking for revenge.

I turned the page again. My eyes scanned it up and down. That's when my doubt became real. I thought I'd had a bad up bringing I really did however even S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know the full story about The Black Widow they did know that she was orphaned at one when her parents died in house fire which was started by the Russian government.

I breathed heavily. "Ok widow,"I mumbled under my breath so Nick couldn't hear me. "Maybe spiders are harder to catch.When there backstory hits me so hard." I placed the file down on the table so that I didn't begin to doubt myself on this mission anymore when a small piece of paper fell out of it. Carefully I picked up and turned it over. It was a picture of whom I guessed was the widow herself. I was shell shocked. I don't know why but for some reason I'd expected this gangsta in a hoodie,who looked like they'd been on heroine for the past six years of the life, like all my over targets. But even though I'd been told the widow was different. I never expected this different.

I observed the photo. She was wearing this black skintight cat suit complete with shot guns, daggers and pistols. She also had these weird weapons on her wrist but only God could tell what they were as I had no clue. Then I looked at her face. She had long red hair down to her waist which was slightly curled and side bangs that reached her chin. I looked at the photo once more and notice her eyes initially she may seem to be an evil assassin but in her eyes I spotted something else. Fear. Seeming like an innocent soul which was unknown on the cards. I began to doubt my mission even more and started wondering if this would be the first mission I'd fail. I just didn't know if I could kill her knowing there's more too her than what everyone else think .She also looks quite good if I do say so.

Barton stop it, just stop it. I thought to myself as my mind went crazy and wild with thoughts.

"Agent Barton? Earth to the Hawk!" I heard Fury yell. I looked up in quite a dazed shock. I'd been daydreaming for awhile.
"Hills here to take you to the helicarrier," he claimed and I looked up to see Agent Hill stood in the doorway." She'll be the closest Agent too you as she's working in Southern Hungary whilst you'll be flow into Budapest." I assumed that was the last place The Black Widow had been spotted. I slowly stood up and shook Furys hand. "Thanks director, I'll go suit up and then meet Hill on the air craft," I said and began to walk out following Hill. I was halfway down the corridor when I heard Fury talking to me over my earpiece. "And Barton please don't let me down."

I answered, telling him that I wouldn't but somewhere in the back of my brain as well as deep in my gut and my heart. I just knew I couldn't do this mission.

Clintasha(Budapest and love)Where stories live. Discover now