Future of Yesterday

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Last night, I had a dream

Full of loud sounds and flashing lights.

A nation of once peaceful men were now plotting a scheme

To stop their suffering at night.

Just two weeks ago,

They had been at home,

Watching their children grow,

not expecting to have to roam.

When once their hands were soft,

Bandaging up their children's wounds,

Now they were cut apart,

Covered in the blood of enemy goons.

From the East, Russia had arisen,

Powerful and hostile,

Threatening to kill and imprison

The Ukrainians, promising to leave behind only their fossils.

Putin stated he wanted the land undamaged,

The people unharmed.

But violence he encouraged

Against both the armed and unarmed.

Zelensky refused to abandon his people or his land,

Instead remaining in Kyiv, the Capital,

Where he could witness firsthand

The pain of the citizens on the streets and in the packed hospitals.

Evil enters Earth in many shapes and forms,

Wreaking havoc on innocents.

Today, it takes the shape of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who conjures up a storm

That wreaks havoc on the hearts and lives of unwilling participants.

The lives lost are a devastating tragedy,

Marking an unfair fight overflowing with war crimes.

The people must come to their senses and see the reality,

Read and recognize the signs

Of the Superpowers falling weak at the threats of a power-hungry man. 


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Future of Yesterday: In Support of UkraineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora