Untitled Part 4

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There's no way i can be ok,

when people treat me like they do.

I cry every passing day,

Do they not know that i have problems too?

I don't know what to say,

When the call me a failure,

When they tell me to stay away,

they tell me to kill myself later.

That i'm not worth it,

That im just a waste of space,

That my life has gone to shit.

That I'm the screw up.

But what they don't know,

Is that what they see

Isn't the real me.

What did I ever do?

What did I do to deserve this?

What did I do to you?

I did nothing, to you, to anyone,

Yet I'm the one that's blamed,

When i'm the one who broke.

You think that I'm just a joke.

When I'm gone you'll cry,

your gonna say sorry,

Yes your gonna cry, when i die

Because you and i will both know the reason why,

You'll then finally understand my pain

You'll understand my sorrow, my guilt.

You'll understand the shame.

When the tears fall from your eyes,

You'll know your the reason why I cried

Your the reason why I died....

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