5: Bad hair

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A shock it was to be fired for a very dumb reason. Left a paper behind. I scoffed at my thought while walking the street, the street was still bustling as it was morning, some late workers trying to catch up with time before getting fired. As for me, that was far behind me now, my body was too heavy to be drawn by me even to my apartment, I felt the whole world fade behind me and I was captured by my own mind. How empty did that feel? I had no idea cause it felt like an endless void. 

I made it to my apartment miraculously. I kicked my heels off and strolled to the kitchen, grabbed the leftover pizza, and warmed it up, I devoured them slowly with Fiji staring at me with her black orbs piercing my dull eyes innocently. I ignored her as I was far in the mood for it. I gave her something to feed on so she could leave me alone. 

I switched on a horror movie and watched it emotionlessly. I was done with getting trashed by my bosses, done with getting fired, rather I would employ and fire other people and someday they'll regret their choices cause I'll come for them. 

I slumped into my couch at my third box of ice cream. I was not going out for any more job employment, it was decided. 

Fuck Mr. Christopher Eastern. A knock on the door brought me to my feet with messy hair. I went to the door and unlocked it softly, I was greeted by my neighbor's kid looking up at me with rosy cheeks. 

He was a brown-haired little teenager with coffee eyes and dangerous feet. I saw him fight off some other kids on the street the other day, his strategy was impressive. Kick them and get out of there. I chuckled in my head. 

"Uh, how can I help you, young man?" 

He looked up at me. "My mum said I should give you this." He held a card out. 

I reached for it without a glance. "Thanks." I closed my door and returned to my business. When I was ready to throw myself into my dreamland. I picked up my phone and typed a message to Phoebe. 

"I got fired: never putting my ass on a queue." 

I slammed my phone on my desk before laying on my stomach and trying to fall asleep with my sad list song playing in the background.

My alarm tried to get me up very early in the morning but I was quick to throw it to the wall, I was never getting up early for any shit. I slept in for four extra hours before getting my messy hair out of bed to the kitchen for a junk breakfast. 

I took a shower and comb. I lost my job but not my feminine routine. I cleaned up my mess and spent half of the day working on tidying my house and Fiji while singing "Not sad anymore by Clara" and dancing to my own tone. 

I finally looked up the card the kid brought up when I heard his little sister crying from their apartment. 

*My Haircare. 

All types of hair, 1,2,3,4. 

I rolled my eyes. Was it an insult? My hair was not the best but it was still pretty. I looked down at the card and made a mental note to visit her little business shop. Let's see if she could fix my hair. 

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