3: Embezzlement

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At the point of no return, I realized I should have worn a less pain-giving heel, maybe my purple heels on black suit wouldn't have been too bad, but I had decided against it and forced my toes into their doom. It was at that moment I was running after Mr. Eastern's secretary that I knew my choice was a very bad one for a first day.

After we signed the papers and everything was done, I was quickly assigned a desk among the walkers. I loved the space and computer. It was the perfect walking space for me, but just how much work will do?

"Over here Miss. Gray, your work begins now and you're in charge of supervising the Cargo and passing on the information to me, you'll deal with the deliveries and hand it over to the signing department for appropriate payment, no errors would be tolerated. Have a nice working day. And I hope you beat the highest days of new employee." The Secretary smiled at me before walking off.

I rolled my eyes while wrinkling my nose. *The bitch. She couldn't be any nicer.

I huffed it shouldn't be too difficult, I could handle it. I said to myself, taking a deep breath and pulling my hair in a loose puff bun.

*2 weeks later.

I've cleared half of the sticky notes on my fridge replacing them with more notes about work. I felt myself becoming a work zombie. Even Phoebe told it to me.

"Don't you think you're walking too much and you need a break?"

"No, not at all, why do you say that? I'm fine." I beat my chest.

"Oh really, what is today's date?"

"Uh, 27th?"

"Yeah, I know, what is supposed to happen today?"

"Uh, nothing. Easter is next month."

She sighed. "You promised we'll go shopping with my boyfriend Josh."

I gasped. "Oh! Yikes! I'm so sorry Bibi, very sorry. I'll catch up next Monday. I promise."

"No. Problem darling, just be careful, don't overwork," Phoebe said to me.

I yawned while shutting the fridge. I grabbed all I needed and checked my bank account before leaving for work.

Once my foot hit the elevator I was shaken awake. I couldn't afford to lose the job, the money in my bank account was finally increasing, and shooting to my expectations.

"Hi." The girl in the next office greeted me softly.

"Morning." I returned the salutation with a touch of my smile. I just wanted to finish writing the report so I could submit it to the finance department.

In two weeks I've met a bunch of people who only knew me at work and I did all in my power to avoid them. I didn't want anyone getting on my way to success. I typed the final letter of the report before letting out a huge sigh, that was long but the feeling of accomplishment was better.

I stepped out of my office with the printed document making my way to the financial department. I wanted to put an end to the inferno called work I've been bearing for ages.

I stepped into the elevator with four other workers who were engrossed in their phones. It was the perfect atmosphere for me, usually, I found the elevator very awkward.

The elevator was quick to ding so I stepped out after having to brush past the man who was next to the door while heading out. I found it really annoying how some people can't move when other people need to love on time.

I murmured under my breath angry words. I stepped into the financial department where everyone was busy on their task, either speed-walking or sitting and working though.

Ana Gray's Servile Marriage Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon