3: Embezzlement

Beginne am Anfang

"Where can I find, Mr. Arnold?" I asked the lady who looked to be bringing some people coffee.

"You must be Miss. Gray from the processing department." The lady said to me, she had snow teeth and I enjoyed her franchise because unlike the people I have met she didn't lend me a fake smile.

"Yeah, and the report is ready," I said.

"Great. Come on, Mr. Arnold's office is right there, just walk straight and take your first right." She indicated.

I nodded. "Thanks." I started ahead with the memory from my high school lingering in my mind. I didn't have to be a lonely newbie, back there I had Phoebe.

I walked according to her indications given, till I got to Mr. Arnold's office where I knocked before coming in.

"Sir, the files for the goods brought," I said to him,

Mr. Arnold, who was shorter than the average man, pulled out his hand. I dropped the file in his grips and he went through it.

"Thanks, Mrs. Gray." He said to me looking relieved.

When I was about to turn out the door came open almost slamming on my face. I had to take a quick step back to prevent the painful impact, I could count myself lucky. Mr. Arnold sat up as a man in a black suit walked in, he had golden blond hair and thick brows, his jaws looked sharp and hard, he was tall and fitting, more like an elf than a minotaur.

His emerald eyes were dark, like a stormy sky, and his pale face pictured less emotion, he looked like the spitting image of Mr. Eastern.

"Mr. Arnold, who did you hand the payment work over to?" He asked his voice like nothing I've heard, I could see the anger burning in his orbs but he spoke so naturally. Maybe a bit cold.

"Mrs. Andrea," Arnold replied.

"Well, she is going to jail now and she is fired. For embezzlement. I told you to meet me directly for that stuff. This company is not a game, and it has a brighter future. Thanks to your carelessness and your lack of professionalism this would cause a major drawback in our company which means more work and fixing." He said to Arnold coldly.

"I apologize for the inconvenience sir, I'll try to sort the issue with other teammates." Mr. Arnold said.

When his gaze started to leave Arnold I was fooled to think the storm was over, instead his clearly furious emerald found me.

"What are you still doing here? Are you waiting for Mr. Arnold to tell you when to get to work?" He said to me, I shrunk, why was he attacking me?

"I came to submit a document, sir," I said.

"Document, huh, lemme see that Arnold." He pulled his hand to receive the file which Arnold passed on to him without taking his eyes away from me, once the document was in his grip, he read through with furrowed brows.

"Excellent report." He looked up at me, his complement sounded like a free ticket to hell.

"Do you think you're so smart? Are you capable of doing this job? Of working in this company?" He said all that while looking straight into my eyes

*Who the hell does he think he is? Mr. Sea eyes I command everyone?

"Yes sir. I do." I replied fearlessly, he had set me off and I was having none of his shit. If I was going to get fired, I might as well humiliate him and stand out.

"You said it, Miss. Gray." He glanced at the name on the file.

"Then you can start popping your champagne. You've been promoted to be my secretary, I just fired the recent one, and she is going to jail as you already know." He said to me and I gulped.

"Be quick to move to my office. I hate lazy workers." He handed the file back to Mr. Arnold and left.

I gazed at Mr. Arnold in silence. "Who is he, sir?" I asked as calmly as I could be. I was on the edge of my patience. I wanted to kill the arrogant son of bitch.

"That's Mr. Christopher Elias Eastern Jr. Son of the founder and CEO of this humble business abode." Mr. Arnold said. I could sense the sarcasm in his voice.

"And young lady, I'd like to advise you to keep your calm and work. Because you're roasted." He added. I felt a pang on my chest. Not from guilt but from fear, I already hated his presence.

I nodded before stepping away back into the hall. *Bibi won't believe her ears.

I gathered my stuff quickly and transferred it to Mr. Sea green eyes office. My daily routine was on the table, an energy-devouring list even. I sighed.

Coffee, attendance, blah blah. I rolled my eyes and dropped the list. I placed a hand under my chin with a huff. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a frame, what looked like a picture in the open drawer and I picked it up.

It had the picture of a woman and her twin kids who looked ill, trying to put up a smile. But the look of despair and love in her eyes told the story. It couldn't be any other person than the secretary.

I brought my thumb to my lips. *Prison.

"Anna in my office, now." His voice filled my eyes from nowhere and I jumped in my seat.

What more does he have to say? A threat? A dark secret about the woman in the picture?

I looked up and caught the cc camera staring at me. *Shit.

Does he want to fire me?


I know I haven't written a word as a note since I started this book. But here it is now.

If you have come this far, it can only mean one thing you got hooked. So add this book to your library and drop your comments.

Follow me on IG. Oluna_nkem.

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