CHAPTER 2:- First Ever Music Festival

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The venue was lit up with vibrant colored lights, signboards and posters. There were temporary shops of different Korean foods, cloths and dresses, art pieces and of course official merch outlets of different Kpop groups. It was very lively, busy and crowded with different people of age, gender, class and ethnicity.

                Megha and Proma both were waiting in the queues to enter the stadium while talking to some Armys from Mayanmar, Shri Lanka and Bangladesh. Suddenly some people from behind the queue pushed in and the whole queue was scattered around. Some people also tripped on the ground due to the impact. 

"Megha, are you okay?"

 Proma asked as she herself got up from the ground while dusting off her jeans. When the other didn't answer, she looked beside her. There was no sign of Megha. They got separated. Panic descended on her perfectly done make-up face. She called her names a few times in the crowd while looking at all the direction frantically, but to no avail. She tried to pull her phone out of the pocket when the string of her bracelet torn apart and all the seashells and bells dropped on the ground. 

"No, no, no!" 

She put back the phone and crouched down quickly to collect the shells and bells, but others started to walk over on them. 

"Please, don't step on it. Don't st-- Ouch!" Someone walked over on her hand. Despite hissing in pain, she continued to collect remaining of her bracelet; But couldn't go long as more people started to step on the pieces and her hands. She stood up with a heavy heart with whatever she could collect and stared at it with glossy eyes when a pair of big yet beautiful hands with long fingers stopped in front of her. In those hands, there were the remaining seashells and bells that she couldn't collect. She looked up at the owner of those hand, only to find a tall man wearing dark gray oversized hoodie and sweatpants with a pair of crocs. His head was covered with the cap of the hoodie, eyes and face all were covered with black colored sunglasses and masks. 

       Proma got a little scared of his aura and stepped back cautiously, but he extended his hand again towards her and gestured at the items in his hands. Her wary eyes were trailing his whole appearance before outstretching her own hands towards him. Despite his aura, that guy put all the items on her hands gently without even touching her.

"Thank you." A smile of relief came onto her lips. "Thank you very much for finding these. You don't have any idea how much it means to me. It maybe cheap, but it's a gift from my soulmate." 

Her smile broadened at the last word before it vanished and eyes went big and wild from remembering something important.

"OH NO! Megha!"

As in cue, her phone rang.

Someday when these shouts stop, stay, hey

You are my soulmate

Stay here forever, hey

You are my soulmate

Than seven summers and cold winters long

Than the countless promises and memories long

(Friends, by BTS' Jimin & V)

The stranger was going to walk away, but his whole body was transfixed hearing the ringtone. Proma didn't notice that, she was in a hurry to take the call, but couldn't. Because her hands were full.

 "Umm.. excuse me?" She asked that stranger, who came to his senses after hearing her.

"Can you take out the handkerchief from my left pocket?" Proma asked and gestured her jacket's left pocket. That stranger was hesitating, but when she asked him again, he executed. He took out the handkerchief. Then she instructed him to unfold it and hold it wide. He did. She then put all the seashells and bells from her hand to the piece of cloth and tied all that into a knot before taking it back from his hand. Her phone rang again. She took out her phone and it flashed "Soulmate" with Megha's photo on it. 

- Hello?

- Where are you? What took you so long to pick up the phone? I was calling for a while.  

- Isshh! Don't shout. I am at the same place where we were in the queue. Then you went missing. Where are you by the way?

- I'm here at the entrance waiting for you. Come quickly.

- What? You're already there? Okay I'm coming.

She cut the call quickly and looked around to thank that guy once again, but he was nowhere to be seen. She just shrugged before going her way.

After reuniting with Megha, they both entered into the venue while looking around in awe and surprise. It was their first ever Music Festival. In addition to such a big scale, they will see their beloved idols before their eyes whom they watched through their mobile screens all this time. They seated their designated seats and talking to themselves, when finally a grand loud music started along with some fireworks. A host came on the stage and introduced today's performing artists before leaving the stage. The first performing artist was Stray Kids, one of Proma's favorite group. Megha didn't hear much of other groups except BTS, so she had no idea about the songs. However, she appreciated other artists, supported their hard works and knew how to enjoy music. So, they both grooved along with the music and cheered with everyone else. 

       Suddenly, it was too much for Megha. She had started having trouble breathing and her leg started to ache. She immediately looked into her backpack, but didn't find what she was looking for. 

"P-- Pro-- ma!" She whispered the last letter very difficultly and caught other's hand for support. That's when Proma noticed.

"What happened? Are you having your asthama attack?" She asked concerned.

Other just nodded, couldn't speak at all.

"Where is your inhaler? In your bag?" Without waiting for answer, Proma checked Megha's backpack. It wasn't there.

"Ho-- te-- l."

"You forgot your inhaler in hotel?"

Other nodded. 

"Shit! This is bad." She rubbed her face panickingly and thought what to do next. 

"Let's get out of here first." 

She supported Megha to walk and they both got out of the crowded venue. After walking a bit, Megha stood against the wall and refused to go more. Proma didn't know what to do as Megha's condition was getting worsened. She looked around to get some help, but no one was there on that empty small corridor they were in, except some big boxes of light or camera equipment, she believed. There was just a door at the end of the dim lighted corridor. 

"Okay, wait here. I'll go and find some help." Proma helped Megha to sit on one of the boxes before going back to the way they came. But before she could go completely out of sight, she heard a loud thump. She turned around to see Megha fainting and falling down, but thankfully someone caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Megha!" Proma ran to her side and trying to wake her up when a silent tear slid down her eyes. She was so focused that she didn't hear someone was approaching them from behind.

"Jimin-shi, are you there?" 

"Yes, I'm here. But I need some help." 

Proma didn't understand that conversation except it was in Korean, but what surprised her most was the familiar voice from the person in front of her. She didn't look at the person before, but now she did and struck by a thunder. 


BORAHAE (#KPopFiesta2022)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora