USJ Insident part 2

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Power overflow - MAX
Systems- Offline

//Forced Reboot//

Izuku?: Did you just slap me?
Mina: Umm....
Tsuyu: Izuku?
Izuku?: Well you people don't look like any Disassembly Drones I've seen!
Izuku?: Well, I'll just figure that out later!
Izuku?: Well I'm Serial Designation J/Izuku!
Mina: What the...
Tsuyu: Izuku? Are you there?

The heterochromic drone looked at the two figures in front of her/him. They looked feminine, the two question marked shadows seemed to look at each other.

J/Izuku: Well you two must be new to raven squad. I'm the leader J/Izuku! Serial Designation V is the psychopath, that is... somewhere out hunting in Hosu? And there is Serial Designation N, he's fairly useless but he is trying his best to get better.... And I can't find him... great.
J/Izuku: And I can't seem to remember the past fourteen years of my life, but I'm sure that will sort itself out!

The figures in front of them looked at each other again. He blinked.


Progress  -  45%

Progress - 80%

Progress - 100%

Happy Hunting J/Izuku

Izuku blinked, Tsuyu and Mina were in front of him. They looked worried.

Izuku: Why are you worried? Where is everyone else?

Tsuyu: We got split up.

Mina: There could be Villains nearby.

Izuku: Villains? No worries I'll deal with them!

Izuku's hand turned in claws and he saluted them with his claws.

Whenever Villains came near Tsuyu or Mina Izuku shot their kneecaps off. It was extremely painful for both the Villains and the two Heroines in training to watch.

Soon the Young Heroes made their way to the plaza we're their teacher was getting his head bashed in by what looked like a bird who took one million strength drugs at once.

The hand covered man said something before lunging towards Tsuyu with his hand outstretched.

Izuku has a pure emerald green X covering his screen.

A clawed guillotine came down of the man's hand cutting it off. Another guillotine came upwards to the man's other arm cutting it off as well.

Izuku's stinger stabbed the man in the chest. He feel on his back. Izuku's claws came down to his head. A multi-X was above the now headless man. Izuku's claws were covered in human oil... blood?

The bird creature stopped moving.

His favorite human was saved.

The mist man was attacked by Katsuki and Kirishima.

Heroes soon arrived with All Might.

Izuku was getting cuddles from Mina before a brown trench coated man came up to them.

Izuku waved, oblivious to his blood coated hand. Before going back to his cuddles.


Izuku can be very ~protective~ of his cuddle buddies.

Shigarki learned that the hard way.

- Lun-1c

Serial Designation?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant