The Entrance Exam / Oil[Blood]bath

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Izuku stepped inside the school ground noticing a brick that was sticking up in front of him. He stepped over it.

J: I think that was a very important plot point...
Izuku: probably

People around Izuku looked at him weirdly as to them he was talking to thin air. And so Izuku continued on completing the written exam, and then finding a his seat for the practical, he was sat next to a blond that looked like he was about to explode.

*Insert President Mic Speech and Iida's question without berating Izuku because I can find a source to write it down word for word right now*

Izuku was at his battle center, stretching to loosen up his joints. There was a girl that was trying to calm herself down.

J: Don't try to help them, it's their fault if they are not prepared.

The gates opened and Izuku rushed forward J gave no warning when training started so he doubted that the hero's' would either.


During that time Izuku had obtained Thirty points. His attacks were a dance, all connected, all flowing. He needed oil, the last robot, a three pointer, Izuku tore off it's head drinking it's WARM, SWEET, SUCCULENT OIL.  After he was finished drinking he crushed the three pointer's head. Izuku jogged off searching for another group to continue his deadly dance.

UA - Teacher Viewing Area

It was terrifying, one student didn't hesitate when the gates opened. And that student was slaughtering the Faux Villans. All but two were speechless at the sight.

Aizawa: Nezu, I WANT that student in my class
Nezu: Granted!

The rest of the teachers paled. One of them who looked like a stick decided to ask a question.

Stick Man: Nezu, may I ask who is that?
Nezu: Izuku... Just Izuku there is no last name.

Aizawa smiled into his capture weapon, he was really happy he would have Izuku in his class. But he needed to tell them something.

Aizawa: Hey Nezu, about the letters...
Nezu: Hmm?
Aizawa: What if one of the students are homeless?
Nezu: that would cause quite the problem... but why would you ask that?
Aizawa: my day job is in a department store, Izuku comes there every day to buy oil... I could give him it there... because he told me himself he has no home.
Midnight: But why does he buy oil?

Aizawa pointed to the screen, it showed Izuku tearing off a three pointer's head and drinking the oil, then crushing it.

The teachers went pale at the savage display.

Izuku's training center

Everything was going fine, Izuku had just DISASSEMBLED another group of faux villains before there was an earthquake.

There it rose the ZERO POINTER. The humans ran away like the spineless cowards they are. Izuku stood there drooling, just the thought of so much OIL! J soon snapped him out of his trance pointing to a trapped human.

Izuku swiftly rescued her, pulling her out of the rubble and running as fast as he could with her on his back.

Soon after the exam ended. But Izuku was pulled aside by Snipe who said to follow him to Nezu's office. So he went up to the office, took a unneeded breath and opened the door and...

Izuku: Aizawa-San?
Snipe: Wait what?
Aizawa: Problem Child
Midnight: Wait you two know each other THAT much?
Aizawa: Yes
Nezu: Do you know why you are here Izuku?
Izuku: No?
Aizawa cleared his throat
Aizawa: Izuku you scored a one-hundred on the written exam and for the practical... you did not hesitate you immediately went in and started your dance of death... you scored 89 villain points this would have already been enough for you to get into the hero course, but there was another factor rescue points, your recovery and rescue of one Ochako Uraraka from the zero pointer has gained you fifty points... you will be in class 1-A specifically requested by ME, welcome to your hero academia!

Aizawa was smiling out and in the open

Aizawa: oh and before I forget this is for you

Aizawa tosses Izuku an oil pack which Izuku gingerly accepts and drinks.

Nezu: I have been informed about your living situation so I have had dorms created, they are located on campus and will be the new home of UA students!

Izuku choked on his oil, which caused a panic amongst all but Nezu and Aizawa.

Editing Notes:

Fixed Spelling ERRORs

Made Izuku's and Aizawa's relationship a bit more cryptic (I think)

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