Chapter 15

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Standing in front of my mirror, I put the last finishing touches on my hair. As I take a deep breath to try and settle the nerves swirling madly inside of me, the locket around my neck catches my eye. I reach down and carefully flip it open to look at the picture inside of it. The little portrait of Candy somehow never got ruined during the locket's stay on the trail. I don't know how Adam ever found it that day but I'll forever be grateful that he did. Closing it, I drop it back on my chest and smooth the silky white dress hugging my frame.

During Callie's gallop back to the Ponderosa, my wedding dress and Jewels' blue dress thankfully stayed in the saddlebag. Even though it's a week later than I had anticipated, I finally get to wear it. It took me nearly a week to recover from my heatstroke and then Candy and I had to be witnesses at the trials for Shane, Ryder, and Carlito. That took almost a week since for some odd reason they tried the outlaws separately and each trial took two days. But now three weeks later, both of us still alive and me still on the weak side, we're finally going to get to say our vows.

A knock rattles the door and not wanting to open it myself to let whoever in, I call across the room, "Come on in."

"Are you all ready to go?" Pa's voice makes me turn to look towards the door. He's wearing his best suit and has a wide, happy grin on his face, "My goodness, you look beautiful."

"Thank you, Pa." The smooth deepness of his voice soothes my nerves. "I think I'm ready."

"Good." He steps all the way into the room. "Now give me a slow twirl, I want to see the whole picture."

Laughing, I slowly twirl to show off my dress and sculpted hair. I hear him let out a whistle before he says, "Pretty as a peacock!"

"Now you've started to flatter."

"No, really, you are." I step towards him as he gestures me over and loop my arm through his outstretched one. "And now it's time for me to take this pretty little gal downstairs before Mr. Canaday gets cold feet."

He leads me down the hall and stairs and I'm at Candy's side with my hand in his in a moment. Everything else around me seems to fade away even though I know the room's full of people. I listen to the preacher and repeat after him the vows every woman says when she marries the man she loves. I feel Candy slip the ring on my finger and my heart begins to beat faster in my chest as I know that within seconds, I'll officially be his wife. In a steady tone I hear the words every preacher says at the end of a wedding and lean towards Candy as he pulls me in for the kiss that seals it all. Suddenly it's not just Candy, the preacher, and I in the room as Joe's whistles, cheers from many voices, and loud applause makes me regain my focus.

What follows is nothing but gaiety and pure fun as we eat and then dance for hours under the clear, blue sky outside. Joe spins me around twice as a fiddle sings out and then with a quick swap, I'm in Hoss's arms. Back and forth between different partners, I dance until my feet feel like they're going to fall off and I'm shocked the heels on my shoes haven't broken.

As the sun begins to fade out of the sky, the guests slowly start to leave one by one. Before I know it, it's time to go to Candy and I's new home about three miles away on a nice, little piece of Ponderosa land. Candy helps me into the buggy but before he gets a chance to snap the reins, Pa, Mama, both my sisters, Adam, Hoss, Joe, and all of their families slide up on either side of us. In one hand Pa holds a box with a bow on it. Handing it to Candy and I, he says, "We all wanted you to have one of your own since you used ours nearly every night."

After glancing up at me curiously, Candy unties the bow and opens the box. Inside lies a brand new, shiny checkerboard. Our smiles slowly but surely turn into laughs, which causes everyone else to join in.

Wiping my eyes, I gaze around at my big family. Everyone's so happy and loving. Almost all the men have an arm around their wives and Joe, Adam, and Hoss also have a sleeping child on their shoulder. Leo cradles the newest member of the family, Anthia, in the crook of her arm while Hannah, who during these past three weeks told us she was expecting again, already has that "with child" glow to her face.

My heart is filled so full of happiness it's bound to burst as Candy and I quickly say our thank you's. He snaps the reins to the get the horses going as everyone steps back and the yard erupts with in a chorus of "good nights" and "goodbyes" as we drive off into the dusk, bound for our new home and life together.  

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Captive Heart (Cartwright Gals: A Romancing the Ponderosa Spinoff Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora