Ellie thought for a moment before responding, "Probably Defense Against the Dark Arts and not just because my Uncle is teaching it. I'm actually quite interested in it and probably Care for Magical Creatures as well. I've never had a pet at home before so I'm excited to learn about all these creatures", she explained with a smile on her face. George watched as she talked about what all she wanted to learn and he was happy to see a smile on her face. They reached the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table as their time tables were passed out. Once the group got all of theirs they compared. Ellie had Defense Against the Dark Arts with the whole group and had Care for Magical Creatures with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

She felt a nudge on her shoulder and turned to see George smiling at her, "Any interests in trying out for the Quidditch team? Have you ever flown on a broom before?", he asked her.

Her first thought was how she had been trying to perfect her flying abilities without a broom as she read in her book from her mother that she was capable of flying. She had never flown on a broom before though. "I don't know if i'll try out. I've never flown on a broom before and I don't know if I want to learn", she answered him.

Everybody began talking more about their classes before it was time for her first class, Care for Magical Creatures. She said her goodbyes to Fred and George before following the trio outside to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was a very big man with long brown hair and a beard. Ellie could tell that the trio had a lot of respect for Hagrid and she knew she would get along with him just fine.

"Hagrid!", the trio exclaimed as they all approached him. Hagrid smiled at them before noticing Ellie standing to the back, "You must be Ellie, right? Yer Uncle's told me a lot 'bout ya! Such a kind feller he is", Hagrid said to Ellie, trying to make her more comfortable and relaxed. Ellie smiled at him and introduced herself, "It's nice to meet you Hagrid. I'm very excited for your class!"

"Well let's get on to it then shall we?", Hagrid said before leading them through the forest where they reached an empty spot where other students were waiting. She noticed that Draco was in this class and rolled her eyes at the boy. She did not want to have to deal with him anymore than what she already experienced in the Great Hall.

Class began and Ellie found herself thoroughly enjoying Hagrid's way of teaching and learning about all the different magical creatures hands-on. Suddenly, a large bird-like creature approaches Hagrid from the woods, "Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid what is that?", Ron asks.

"That Ron, is a Hippogriff. First thing you want to know about Hippogriff's is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?", Hagrid said with a clap of his hands. All the students backed away from the creature not wanting to risk getting hurt. Ellie rolled her eyes before stepping forward and carefully walking up to the Hippogriff. She passed Harry who was just staring at the creature in awe.

"Well done, Ellie, Harry. Now you have to be very polite and let the creature make the first move. Give him a nice bow and then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does you can go ahead and touch him.", Hagrid explains.

Ellie slowly bows at the Hippogriff and watches as the creature stares at her before gracefully bowing back. With a smile, Ellie slowly approaches the Hippogriff and gently raises her hand to its head. Buckbeak stares at Ellie as she places her hand on its head and gently pets the creature. As she pets the Hippogriff, she looks up into its eyes and is shocked to see her own eyes, through the reflection of the Hippogriffs, staring back at her. She watches as a spark of red flashes through her eyes in the reflection before she takes her hand back and slowly walks away from the Hippogriff.

"Well, good job Ellie!", Hagrid praises her as she walks back to the group of students. What was that red flash in her eyes? Could it have something to do with the red images she saw on the train from the Dementor? The red magic in the scenes she saw? What was happening to her? She remembered to take not that she would need to talk to her Uncle about this and what she saw on the train. Before she could think anymore, a roar is heard and she looks over to see Harry ontop of Buckbeak as the Hippogriff takes off into the sky.

"Woah!", Harry yells as they take off and all the fellow students run to the side and watch as the Hippogriff flies in the air with Harry. Minutes later, Buckbeak returns with Harry and lands in front of Hagrid, "Well done, Harry!"

"And well done Buckbeak!", Hagrid exclaims as the class claps for Harry. Harry gets off Buckbeak and rushes over to his friends. They talk about his flight before a commotion is heard and the group look over to see Draco walking up to Buckbeak, trying to intimidate the creature.

"Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great, ugly broot", Draco taunts at Buckbeak. "Malfoy, no, malfoy", Hagrid says before Buckbeak gets up on his hind legs and lashes his wing at Draco. Draco drops to the ground, grabbing his arm, "It's killed me, its killed me!", he exclaimes like a baby.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Hagrid said not to offend Buckbeak and you're stupid enough to do that", Ellie yells at Draco as she rushes in front of Buckbeak. She could feel her body getting warm with anger as she tilted her head to look down at Draco. "It's not my fault that ugly thing just tried to kill me!", Malfoy exclaimed as he got up from the ground, "Wait till my father hears about this! You're going to regret this!", he scolds towards Hagrid making Ellie's anger increase.

"Don't threaten Hagrid!", she yells back. A flash of red comes off her hand thats behind her back and she feels her magic begin to take control. Draco runs off towards the castle and Ellie turns around to face Buckbeak. The Hippogriff is staring down at her and she can see her eyes in his eyes reflection as they are bright red. She breathes in and out deeply, just like Remus taught her and she can feel herself begin to calm down. She opens her eyes and reaches up to pet Buckbeak and sees that her green eyes have gone back to normal. With a sigh she turns around to see her friends talking with Hagrid and looking at her with worried faces.

"Are ye alright Ellie? You got quite mad just then", Hagrid says to her as she walks up to them.

"I'm alright Hagrid, I guess I just lost my temper there, it's already happened before with Malfoy. I just couldn't let him blame you or Buckbeak for what happened when he was clearly taunting the poor thing", Ellie said as she crossed her arms and looked towards her friends who agreed with her.

"What's going to happen with Buckbeak now? You heard Malfoy, he's going to tell his father. Are you going to get in trouble Hagrid?", Hermione asked. Hagrid sighed, "I'm sure Lucious Malfoy will have something up his sleeve for me. But don't you worry about me or Buckbeak, I'll have it handled. Off you go now, don't want you to be late to your next class because of me", Hagrid said before waving them off and walking back over to his hut.

"I'm worried something bad is going to happen", Ellie said as the group began to walk back to the castle. She noticed that Harry was being awfully quiet but didn't think anything of it as they continued their walk to the castle. Little did Ellie know that Harry couldn't stop thinking about the red spark he saw behind Ellie.

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