Chapter 46: Sunday

Start from the beginning

"Okay I guess Ill start applying." I explained making Tom kiss the top of my head. As I sat there for a few minutes I've started to wonder if this would actually be a good idea. I mean what if Tom and I broke up and we were stuck living four years together, not that I would want to break up with him but what if. What if my parents decided that they actually wanted to be in my life but I was all the way in Atlanta? What if I didn't even get accepted into any colleges down there?

"Babe?" Tom questioned as if he was looking into my brain or noticed that I became extremely quiet, he could tell I was nervous. "How about we head down there next week. We can explore and if you don't want to go to college in Atlanta then you would know."

"That sounds like a great idea." Nikki chimed in.

"Can I come?" Sam questioned.

"No I want some alone time with y/n." Tom explained making sam laugh. "What?"

"It's just funny that you think dad is going to let the two of you stay in a hotel room alone for two days." Sam said continuing to laugh.

"Oh I'm sure he will." Nikki responded rolling her eyes at sam making him gasp. Tom laughed when we heard the front door open and Harrison came running in.

"Harrison?" Tom questioned tensing up a little bit.

"Tom check Instagram." Harrison responded out of breath.

"We know he's Spider-Man." Sam said ruining the mood. Harrison frowned and walked out the front door.

"He's already leaving?" Nikki questioned. Tom and I shrugged. "Go invite him in for breakfast." Tom got up and went outside. A few minutes later he came back inside with Harrison.

"You know I never turn down food mrs H!" Harrison said obnoxiously. Soon Dom came into the kitchen.

"Oh I didn't know that my favorite son was here." He explained fist bumping Harrison.

"I'll go up and get Harry and Paddy for breakfast." I volunteered heading upstairs. I made my way into Harry's room to see that he was already awake. "Um breakfast is ready and Harrison is joining."

"Cool. Hey I have a question for you." He explained before I got a chance to leave the room.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

"That day at sonic..." he began.

"Harry." I interrupted.

"Just let me finish." He pleaded. I crossed my arms and continued standing in the doorway of his bedroom, "All this time I've been trying to find someone. Someone that I could have a relationship with like you and Tom but nothing has been a match and I've figured out why."

"And why is that?" I questioned.

"It's you y/n. I want you and I know that you and Tom are dating but I want you." Harry finished. I shook my head why did all of these people like me? It's like I was a main character in a wattpad or something!

"Harry I mean this in the nicest way possible but I am in love with your brother." I responded before leaving the room. I got Paddy and quickly headed downstairs so I wouldn't have to talk to Harry anymore. I sat down next to Tom at the kitchen table.

"What's up?" He questioned. I shrugged. "You look a little frazzled"

"I'm just so amazed that my boyfriend is going to be Spider-Man." I lied but he smiled.

"We could try the upside-down kiss." He teased.

"That's not going to happen." I responded laughing. At that point in time Harry came downstairs and we made awkward eye contact.

"Boys would you mind helping me move everything from the counter to the table?" Nikki questioned and with that Tom got up and placed a kiss on my head before helping his mom. Eventually everyone sat down and started eating.

"I would like to make a toast." Harrison said standing up and lifting his cup of juice. "To Tom!"

"To Tom!" Everyone responded. Harrison sat back down and everyone was clinking their different breakfast drinks.

"Wait why are we toasting to Tom?" Paddy questioned.

"Um cause he's awesome." Sam teased.

"Tom tell them!" Nikki pushed.

"We just found out that I'm going to be playing Spider-Man in one of marvel's upcoming movies." Tom explained.

"Nikki I told you we should have named him Peter! That would have been so ironic." Dom responded making Harrison laugh.

"So are you going to be out of town for a while then?" Harry questioned before taking a bite of his food.

"Yeah I guess so." Tom replied in a questioning manner,

"Long distance might be hard." Harry explained glaring at me but Tom laughed. "What?"

"Oh y/n's coming with me. Right babe?" Tom asked looking over at me. I nodded.

"Um excuse me I just have to use the restroom." I said getting up from the table. Nikki gave me a concerned look as I made my way to the bathroom. I sat on the bathroom floor thinking about the stressful morning. I felt like Tom was almost forcing me to go to Atlanta with him. I mean he didn't even tell me he auditioned for the part and now I was moving my entire life around for him. My thoughts were ended when there was a knock on the door.

"Y/n are you okay?" Tom asked from the other side.

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