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I chuckle as I walk arm in arm with my friend Asia into the party.

"I'm shocked your dad let you come."Asia says.

"Of course he let me come, he's not gonna say no with grades like mine."I smile.

"Just watch out for that bitch Charlotte, she's out to get you."She says.

"I'm not worried about her. What is she going to do?"I chuckle, running with her through the crowd to the kitchen.


I smile, my hand over my cup as I dance with Asia.

This was the first time I had been to a party this large. There were boys and girls here too. Considering I go to an all girls highschool, the only boys I ever see are my dad's men.

My uncle Rico and my godfather Donnie.

But none of them would ever lay a finger on me. I'm too protected.

The problem with that, is no one wants to touch me because of my dad. They're scared.

And they have right to be. My father is a powerful man.

It sucks when none of the boys you know want to touch you, won't.

I push aside my careless thoughts and continue to dance. I grip Asia's hand and spin her around, making her chuckle.

She begins to do the same thing to me, but I bump into someone, causing them to spill their drink.

"What the fuck!"She says, turning to face me.

Shit, it's Charlotte.

"You bitch!"she says.

She then throws what's left in her cup in my face. I instantly grab her neck, screaming in anger.


Around 9:30, I quietly enter my house, sunglasses over my eyes.

I try to creep past the kitchen where I see my father talking with a few of his men.

"Hey, sugarplum."I hear him say.

"Shit."I say quietly, turning around.

He walks toward me chuckling at my sunglasses.

"What's with the get up princess?"he asks, reaching for the glasses.

"Oh, it's nothing daddy."I say, dodging his hand.

"C'mon Tiff let me see."he chuckles, pulling them off my face.

His face instantly drops, seeing my bruised under eye.

"What happened to you?"he asks.

"It's nothing daddy I promise."I say.

"It's obviously not nothing, you got a full on shiner here. Who did this to you?"he asks, putting his hands on his hips.

"No one! Can you please get off my case?!"I say before turning around and storming off.

"Get back down here young lady this conversation ain't over."he says, following me up the stairs.

"It was no one daddy!"I shout at him.

"Was it a boy?! Tell me his name!"he demands as I enter my bedroom.

"Leave me alone!"I shout before slamming the door, locking it before he could reach.

I hear him grunt angrily.

"Fine, fine! Talk to me about it later alright?"he says against the door.

I sit on my bed, crossing my arms.

"C'mon babygirl, you know you can talk to me."he huffs.

"I'm fine daddy just go away!"I say.


Stephen groans, stepping away from his daughters bedroom door and headed back down the stairs.

He enters the kitchen and huffs.

"Sorry about that mates. Family comes first you know."he huffs.

"Is she alright man?"Donnie asks.

"She's got a black eye. And she won't tell me how she got it."Stephen says.

"Hey, parenting only gets harder Steph."Vinnie says.

"I just feel like I can't protect my babygirl."Stephen says, running his fingers through his hair.

"Hey, why not get her a bodyguard. I know some guys."Donnie says.

"A bodyguard? Do you think she'd be okay with that?"Stephen asks.

"I mean, you can talk to her about it, but you are the parent Steph."Vinnie says.

"Hm."Stephen says, rubbing his chin.

"I'm gonna need someone her age, so that they can go to school with her."

"I know a guy, names Mikkel. He has a bit of an authority problem though."Donnie says.

"How is he hand to hand?"Stephen asks.

"Excellent. He always says his hands are rated E for everyone."Donnie responds.

"How is he with work?"

"You give him a task he does it, no questions."

"And, how is he around kids?"

"He's okay with them."Donnie nods.

"Alright. Call him."

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