"No!" Katsuki growled out at him.

"You owe me. Remember that favor? I'm cashing in now." Kiri smugly added, although realistically he would have rather kept the favor for something else but he really wanted Bakugo to come out tonight and have some fun.

Bakugo was silently seething before he finally groaned.

"Fine. But I'm leaving early." He stomped off to his room to get dressed out of his sweats and put on a shirt and Kiri smiled at his triumph.

A little while later they were piled into Kiri's jeep, Bakugo up front sulking after he shut down the protests from Mina, Sero, and Denki.

When pulling up to the bar, everyone shambled out and Bakugo rolled his eyes at the enthusiasm from the rest of his friends.

"Let's go, I'll buy you some shots." Kiri clasped his hands on his friends shoulders and began to walk him forward towards the entrance.

Shrugging off his hands, Bakugo just growled in response.


Monoma had led you to the bar area first, and ordered you both a shot and a chaser drink of your choice.

You both sat at the bar, in the corner further away from the crowd and speakers so you were able to talk somewhat.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight." Monoma spoke over the music.

"Thanks for offering...I actually needed to get out of the dorm for a bit. This is nice." You smiled at him and he grinned back.

"Glad to be of help. Been stressed out from class?" He took a sip of his drink as he eyed you in your outfit when you weren't looking.

"Little more complicated than that, unfortunately." You sighed out with a slight eye roll.

"Boy problems?"

You glanced up at him and he gave you a knowing look while smirking.

"You could say that." You watched him as he downed his shot, the liquid traveling down his throat in a smooth movement.

Lightly licking his lips, he played around with the shot glass in his hand.

"Well, whoever it was, they really messed up losing a girl like you."

With this he looked back up at you, feeling satisfied at the flustered state you were in.

After a few more shots and conversation later, Monoma suddenly got up from his seat and held his hand out to you.

"Care to dance?" He gave you a sheepish smile and you nodded while taking his hand.

Following Monoma into the mass of bodies, you stuck close to him to avoid getting lost into the crowd or bumping into everyone.

The alcohol was starting to hit you now that you were on your feet, and you felt yourself relax a little as you began to enjoy the thumping music.

Play "Friends" by Chase Atlantic

Monoma turned towards you and placed his hands on your waist, beginning to sway you both to the music.

You took his cue and moved your hips to the beat, looking up at him as you let a smile split across your face. He grinned back down at you and let you take the lead.

Feeling more bold, you turned your body so your back was against his chest and his hands moved further down to rest along your hips.

You had your eyes closed, enjoying the music and swaying your body into Monoma's. As you slowly opened them again, you weren't prepared for what you would see.

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