Chapter I

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- Look, the moon. 

He smiled a little, before looking toward the dark sky. A soft breeze came, and pulled Matthew’s hair up. Charles looked at him, before smiling in turn. The redhead stood up, and took his boyfriend’s hand. The latter rolled his eyes with a smile, and stood up too. Matthew started to run in the field, followed by Charles. The two boys went in the middle of the field, and Matt turned toward his lover. He looked him in the eyes, and came against him. The oldest held his sweetheart in his arms, and closed his eyes. He was happy, and this pleasure was real.

But, it was a long time ago. Now, Matthew isn't in this world. Death carried him off. Charles doesn't know why. They were happy together, they lived a humble life.

Sitting in his bed, he fixed the floor with a blank stare. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He had just a feeling of emptiness. After a long time, he raised his hand toward the ceiling, and looked at it. 

– Matthew.. I don’t know if you hear me, but, be aware that I love you.. And.. I hope, one day, I find you again.

Then, he stood up, and left the bedroom. He passed in the living room, where there are some photos of Matthew and him on the fireplace. The house was calm, there was no noise, just a heavy silence. Normally, there is a little laugh of Matthew, his smell, or anything of him. But, there is nothing. Charles was just alone. Alone against his demons.

Taking a breath, he looked at the photos. One among these was showing him with Matt, at the beach. Matthew was in front of Charly, and he was smiling. He had a crown of flowers, and his freckles were visible. Charles, behind him, was looking at him, holding an inflatable dolphin.
The man smiled a little, looking at this photo. He put it down on the fireplace, and he came into the kitchen. He observed around him, but he didn't see his boyfriend. Yes, he hoped to see him again one day. But, the more days were passing, the more this hope was becoming a false hope.

When he raised his head, he heard a sound in the living room. He stayed at his place for an instant, before coming into the living room. 

– Anybody is here ?

He moved in the room, looking around him. He felt a slight shiver, and he perceived a sound of footsteps. He turned round, and he saw a shape. A little shape. That shade came toward Charles, and.. The latter recognized Matthew.

– S-sweetheart..? I-it's you..?

– Hi Cutie.

Charles looked at him, in a lack of understanding. Why was Matthew here ? He isn't supported to be dead ? He came nearer him, observing his face with attention. Matthew smiled, looking at Charles with his green eyes. The oldest grit his teeth, having tears in his eyes. He came nearer toward Matt, and touched his arms. He.. could touch him. The youngest smiled, and Charles came to take the redhead in his arms. The latter closed his eyes and put his head against Charle’s shoulder. The latter sighed, relieved to see his little boyfriend. But, many questions were in his mind. Then, Matthew separated from the oldest, and took his hand. He walked toward the wall, and disappeared in it. Charles was a little uncertain, following Matt with a faltering step. And at his turn, he disappeared into the wall.

It was his spirit which followed Matt. His body was on the floor. He was dead, like his little sweetheart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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