Chapter 10 - The Medallion Lounge

Start from the beginning

Lycius sat in the car and flicked through his phone for nearly an hour once the man had gone back inside

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Lycius sat in the car and flicked through his phone for nearly an hour once the man had gone back inside. He sought out his own distraction, a means to a good end of the life he knew. Something that could keep his dark thoughts at bay. All he had was until dawn and, damn that weird moustache man, he could feel it. The curse gurgled somewhere in the pit of his stomach, or maybe he just really needed to throw up. The threat was there riding the wave and waiting to crash.

So, he scrolled through his friends' feeds checking where they were and whether their nights would be worthwhile. It was the first time he was ever being selective on who he wanted to spend his time with, and he swore under his breath when he realised that he hated all his friends. They were all parasites that only cared about the parties he ran. He didn't want to be surrounded by a needy crowd of posers until the idea of them being his first kill perked his interest. When he grasped that he was fantasising the death of these people he groaned in horror. Sure, they didn't deserve his company but to be butchered? Was this him or the curse? Was he already a bloodthirsty beast or just being an arsehole? He was about to throw his phone aside when a name glowed contently on his screen. A name tagged to someone else's selfie. He ignored the photo of some pastel goth chick grinning at him and focused on this name written in the caption.

OMG I feel like a proud mum. Celebrating Rhea Drakos first real show! I can't right now! Ah! Come see her live at the Medallion Lounge. 😍✨

Soon he was scrolling through Rhea's profile, or whatever was public as they were no longer friends on social media. He wasn't sure when that happened or what was the final straw for her to unfriend him. How had he not noticed?

She did have one recent post that was public that night. A picture of her from behind gazing over some empty bar from a stage in a black coat.

Performing live tonight at the Medallion Lounge. Finally doing it ✌🏻

He snickered. It wasn't the best way to sell it, but she had a hundred likes on this photo and many excited comments. When had she gotten so popular? He flicked through the names and didn't recognise any of them. They all must have been students from her university, her new life, her adult life. When was the last time he had made a new friend that wasn't a leech? He scrolled the comments and found that few of them would be coming tonight. All of them were apologetically unable to make it but promised to be there for the next one.

He imagined her disappointment and shook the image away. Why should he care? They weren't friends anymore. So why was his gut feeling urging him to go to the Medallion Lounge? He knew if he told all his friends where he was going they would follow him like the hungry wolves they were. Would she want his kind of crowd in the audience? He didn't even want them there. No, fuck them. Lycius tossed his phone aside, and after feeling a little hazy from the wine, he started the engine and took off at lightning speed.

His heart thumped violently in his skull till he reached the bar and was able to skip the line with a simple nod to the bouncer. The bars in the city knew him well enough now even though he hadn't come to this place regularly enough. It almost felt like fate, like he was meant to be there. He flinched in the doorway, hearing some roaring laughter coming from the street. He didn't want to risk being caught by people he knew and rushed up the sticky staircase into the club.

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