Sirin felt pain in her mind and she desperately grabbed her head to numb the pain confused on what is happening

Sirin:"My head! It hurts! Stop this pain!"


Cecilia was about to step towards Sirin but Welt shouted

Welt:"This way Cecilia! You have to go now! Leave before Sirin regains focus! You must go before it's too late"

Cecilia carried Siegfried and looked at Welt

Cecilia:"What about you? Aren't you coming with us?"

Welt:"There are things i must tend to before i leave"

Cecilia then walks away from Welt towards the outside

Cecilia:"God speed... Friend of Siegfried"

Sieg managed to regain consciousness and look at Welt

Siegfried:"Welt? Can't believe your still alive... Great that means you're hard to kill"

Welt:"Take care of yourself Siegfried"

As both Cecilia and Siegfried crossed the portal

Sirin:"Damn you traitor"

Welt:"I hope your feeling better already Sirin... We have an unfinished business upon our battle at the moon... Let's get this over with"
Kiri sees that Cecilia and Siegfried managed to walk out

Kiri:"I have been expecting you and so did she"

Cecilia looked around and saw Kiri and then Theresa

Theresa:"Cecilia! Your back!"

Cecilia:"Hngh... Theresa why are you here?"

Theresa:"It's okay.. I'm alright"

Cecilia then looked over to Kiri who was casually drinking Lemonade Juice

Cecilia:"Who are you?"

Kiri:"Your resident Grim Reaper... Kiri... We should totally expect Arahato is with a suspended Sirin and is about to pull out her core... Alright you loli and you two also follow...that's our que"

Cecilia:"Wait what?"

Cecilia along with Theresa saw Kiri pull out a Scythe


Cecilia tried to stop him but Kiri carried Theresa without much complaint from the other along with Oath of Judah before jumping towards Sirin's direction
Einstein:"Tesla the cores are yours..."

However she was sent backward as Sirin has awokened and dispersed the thing keeping her down

Einstein:"We have a code red! Sirin is awake!"

Sirin:"Pathetic human trash! Dirty little vermin! I'll crush you like the insect you are!"

Sirin proceeded to decimate the Arahato and exposed the person inside it piloting it

Sirin:"Worthless pathetic and weak...lying filth... You performed tests on me... And that vile woman pretended to love me as i almost fell for it... You murdered Bella while my guard was down... The queen shall deliver justice"

Sirin then looks at Einstein unconscious body

Sirin:"Witness my true power and despair insects! I'll start with the traitor hiding in this gem! Time to end your pathetic existence for good!"

However Sirin felt a presence on her back side and saw Chains lined with spears coming straight to her... She dodged it on the nick of time

Sirin:"You again!? Worthless girl you really want to die?"

Date of Impact ({Honkai Impact Fic}) Where stories live. Discover now