Chapter II

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Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.

2:12 PM

"He's waking up," Louis heard an unfamiliar voice, he opens his eyes just to squint it when the bright light attacked his vision.

"He's awake!" Cheered the voice, "Mum, he's awake!"


There was no way that girl was Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy or Phoebe. Let alone Doris, and there's no way Ernest sounded like a girl. Unless he has been sleeping for 10 years then maybe that is Doris.

"Harry, can you hear me?"


Who the fuck is Harry and why do they call him that?

Finally, his eyes adjust to the light and turns to see the two women looking down at him. He didn't know them. They were not his sisters or mother. And he is definitely NOT Harry.

"Wh-where am I?" His eyes widen when he heard his own voice. It was deep and he was so fucking sure he never sounds like that before. His voice was never that low, not even in mornings. "Who are you people?"

The smile on their faces fades. The girl who looks younger than the other woman stood up and pressed the button next to his head.

"You don't remember us?" The older woman asked as Louis slightly shook his head, trying to figure out if he has seen her before. But he was so fucking sure he never once saw this woman in his life.

He was about to say something when two nurses and doctor rushes in.

"Hey Harry, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked, smiling down at him.

"Who's Harry?" He asked and everyone in the room exchange glances. He didn't miss the worried look that the young woman had shared with the older one.

The doctor sighs and asked the two women two speak with him outside while the two nurses was checking on him.


When the two women came back with the doctor, they both were crying and Louis knew he was the cause of it.

"Harry, do you remember the last thing you see before you...fainted?" The doctor asked quite unexpectedly.

"I don't know what to tell you, I'm not this Harry you're talking about." Louis said in all honesty.

"Mum," The young woman whispered, loud enough for the doctor and Louis to hear. "H-his eyes...his eyes are blue."

Louis nodded, smiling. He knew by then that this 'Harry' doesn't have blue eyes and they might have mistaken him for this Harry.

"Yeah, I do have blue eyes. What does Harry have?"

His mother, who looks terrified, shook her head. "This is stupid; do you think that this boy isn't Harry? He was in his room, I saw him get struck with my own eyes!"

"Room?" Louis raised a brow. The last time he was conscious he was under the tree during the big storm until he got struck-

"I was under a tree and I got struck!" Louis said, trying to defend himself. "I wasn't in a room and most definitely isn't in this Harry person's room because I don't know who this Harry is."

The doctor sighs and sat on the small chair next to his bed. "Okay then if you aren't Harry, tell me who you are."

"I'm Louis," Louis smiled. "I'm 19, i have five sisters and a brother and I live with all of them and my mum and her husband and-"

"Harry, that's enough." The doctor forced a smile. "I don't know how to tell you this but that big family of yours doesn't exist, sweetheart. It was part of your dream when you were in coma."

Louis was confused. He couldn't have dream 19 years of his life and one day he just got struck by lighting and the dream ended. It wasn't possible in Louis' opinion. But he was sure the doctor is smarter than her.

"I know you don't remember this right now but sweetie this is your family, your real family." The doctor emphasis the word 'real' as Louis nodded, listening to every single word she's saying. "And one day you will remember them again, but it will take time but you will, sweetie. Okay?"

Louis looked over to the two women, he didn't know them and he didn't know if he will ever remember them but they are the only one here and probably the only people he can trust and nodded once more. "Okay."

The three of them smile as he took a deep breath and ask. "Can I uh, use the loo?"

"Sure, here let me help you up." The doctor helped Louis walked all the way to the bathroom and he entered it, locking the door and went straight to the toilet passing the mirror. But something caught his attention so he made his way back to the mirror and look straight at it.

"Shit," his eyes widen.

Who he saw in the mirror wasn't him. This guy in the mirror had dark chocolate curls, his body was much taller than Louis and shit alright, this guy looks like a 'Harry'

The only thing going in his mind was "What if I'm trapped in another person body?"

But no, he has to trust the doctor. Maybe his life as 'Louis Tomlinson' was just a dream and he's awake now. There was no Louis Tomlinson, that was something his mind made up.

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