Chapter 13

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A tingling sensation trailed the length of the girl's arms. The sword remained in the final position of the strike. Keira kept her stance like she was waiting for another opponent. Every piece of the Dweller disintegrated. The ashes scattered amongst the sand grains of The Dunes, never to plow down another building or human being again. A sort of happiness swept over her as she watched the ashes blow away. Though she couldn't have stopped the invasion, she was able to stop more damage from being done to her beloved Worran City. In some small way the minor contribution gave Keira the closure she needed to leave her birthplace behind. The fear she was holding onto before was completely gone.

"And I thought I was a force to be reckoned with."

Keira turned to see Lewy near the same spot she had left him. She gave him a weak smile. When she tried to walk toward him, her knees went weak. Lewy rushed over to catch her as the sword fell from her hand, and she staggered into the wall. The whole world was turning dark beneath the burning sun. A rough hand touched her pale face. Words were being said but she couldn't make them out. The lids of her eyes felt like they were flickering, and everything went numb. When she was finally able to force her eyes open, she saw Lewy's worried face inches away from her own.

"I guess the adrenaline was too much for me," she said with a shaky voice.

"That's one way of putting it." Lewy slowly helped Keira to her feet. "Do you think you can walk?"

Keira put one hand on the wall to keep her balance. Lewy wasn't letting go until he was sure she regained her strength. Having to carry her this time could be the difference between life and death out there in the gusty wasteland.

The prolonged touch of her skin made him look into the distance. He was happy to be close to her and that there had been no blood or tears. When he saw her drop the sword, he was terrified she'd been hurt.

A heartbeat passed before another word was spoken. Keira was concentrating on her slow, even breaths. Lewy was watching how fast the puffy white clouds drifted through the blue sky. He briefly glanced to the east and the west of the wall.

"We should probably get going soon if we want to beat the sandstorms. They'll close in on us if we're not careful."

No pressure though. "Alright, just give me one sec." Keira let her hand slide off of the wall. She bent down to pick up her new weapon of choice. Her thoughts flickered to the guard that once wielded the unsheathed blade. Down sank her heart into a crevice deeper than the pit she sent the headless beast back to. She had to survive, not only for her sister, but for her people. Memories were only worthwhile if there were people left to remember them.

Lewy closed his eyes until Keira stood by his side again. She didn't say anything at first. She just watched him. The calm radiating off of him was astonishing.

"I can literally feel your eyes on me," he said with a smile creeping to the corners of his mouth.

"I'm just seeing what it's like."

He opened his eyes. "What what's like?"

"Making someone uncomfortable."

His smile lifted Keira's heart out of the cold trench of despair. "Well, you're the first woman that hasn't swooned. Normally, I don't have to stare so long." He started walking into the desert with a smug expression.

"Lies are not your strong suit, Lewy," she hollered after her laughing friend. "Does the stud know where we're going, or are we just going to be nomads for the rest of our lives?"

Lewy walked backward as he spoke. "Oh, but you're in luck. You're wandering with a handsome stranger." His hardy laugh turned into a startled yelp as he tripped over the chunk of cement that had been ejected into the sand.

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