"You're late again man, Good thing Hyunjin weren't here" Jeongin said

"Boss weren't here so I'm not late" He said, what a logic he looks so exhausted

"Don't tell me you're still following that guy you meet at the fast food Minho~~" Jisung said, the three of us look at him, he rolled his eyes in frustration and; "None of your business" He answered

"Because of what you was doing right now Minho I'm getting interested to know who the hell is this Omega that you are becoming like this for nothing, this is unlike you" Jeongin said

"Go get yourself an Omega, don't mess with mine" Minho said glaring at Jeongin~~ but that doesn't bother Jeongin as he smile and tease Minho with his eyebrows

"Everyone's here?" Hyunjins familiar cold voice said as he enter the meeting room, He may be Younger than any other people here but he holds all the authority as the Mafia Boss~~ after the death of his Dad or known as Phoenix~~ he takes care of the community and we all accepted him as the new boss when he Merciless kill 18 people on the night that we raid the Mafia-quack who killed his Father

"What's the plan, have you already decide Hyunjin?" Old Feng said Hyunjin sit and face us all, with serious face and deadly eyes that can possibly conquer the world; "Kill them all" He said, sending cold atmosphere; who wouldn't follow such a daring command if he use his dominant aura to say such a thing.



Life goes on~~ even after what happen last night I have no choice but to keep my life goes on~~ I want to succeed in life and prove my Dad wrong, That even an Omega like me can make it to the Top

I was at the back stage of a bar, I have a job of singing in this bar; they pay us bigger based on the rate of people coming because they want to see the Band, and every week is a hope that I'll get such a big increase so I don't have to worry about working after the long night~~ I have no other choice but to release my pheromones during the performance, so I can attract viewers

"Felix you have different team tonight~~ Changbin and Chan wouldn't attend, have they already tell you that?" The manager said

"Yes, they have already tell me the reason" I said, he just smiled and sign me a goodluck pose, I mouthed 'thank you' and patiently waiting for the band to perform on stage.

And like a cue, the host is now starting the show


One word, I'm Bored, all right that is two but never mind that, all of them are in position and they literally made me sit alone, Look at Seungmin teasing me while drinking his alcohol can I shove his head down that Cocktail he was drinking

I was drinking in front of the counter when suddenly a loud bang starts, indicating that the band was about to start playing, I doesn't need to look I just have to listen and wait for the chaos to start, means chaos? I mean the sound of Death

"You alone?" Someone asked me, Stupid of course I'm

"I'm not" I coldly said, I wasn't in the mood to be hooking with strangers, when I'm going to kill them all later.

"It seemed that you are" that guy insisted, releasing his pheromones thinking that I'll flinch with that unpleasant smell of his freaking pheromones, I got so annoyed so I spill my drink to him, he stood up in shock and immediately brush the liquor off him

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I'm trying to disinfect you, your pheromones smells disgusting; and I think alcohol really helps" I said, he looked and start a staring contest that he obviously won't win; "Bastard" He said then walked away, I smirk and order for another round of liquor when~~

Strawberries and Cigarettes/// HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now