𝟬𝟯𝟮 𝗆𝗎𝗀𝗀𝗒 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌

Start from the beginning

“She crossed the line with those grabby little fashion victim plants! They're shrinking my clothes, using my make-up!” Bloom wanted to laugh at how the plants looked but she knew she couldn't since this was serious.

“They adapt to their environment,” Flora said guiltily. “There’s a reason they’re called ‘menmosa- vain atosa’.”

Beside Bloom, Stella let out an agonised sound and turned away as if the sight physically pained her.
Her eyes fell on something and she let out a loud gasp. “That's my Goblin Govanna! It is my favorite dress forever! You see what's happening here? Oh, my poor poor clothes!”

Stella turned to Bloom. “Do you see this Bloom? Tell me now that I'm overreacting because I'm sure as hell am not.”

Both Flora and Stella looked at her expectantly, both confident she would side with them.  Bloom bit her lip; she knew Flora really wanted to continue creating potions and also studying for her exam, but she could also see at least a couple of hundred credit’s worth of damage right in front of her.

“Maybe we can fix them,” she said, not picking a side.

Stella shook her head at Bloom. “No, they're couture! Do you know what that means? They're one of a kind! The shrinking's bad enough, but they're also mixing stripes with florals, it's like a horror show!”

“Maybe we can find a better place for the plants,” Bloom suggested.

“They need sunlight,” Flora said. Bloom looked out the window. “Well, how about our balcony,” Bloom suggested, trying to be patient. 

“Yeah, maybe,” Flora said, sounding happier.  “And maybe Tecna will know a counter-spell,” she added, glancing at Stella. The Solarian princess looked reluctant to let go of her anger, but she sighed and nodded anyway. Bloom smiled happy that they could compromise.

Bloom led the two of them across the common room to Tecna and Musa’s room. Musa was on her bed, surrounded by textbooks, highlighters, and pages of music sheets, headphones on and blasting music. The headphones explained how she didn't hear the argument. When the girl caught sight of the other three, Musa tugged her headphones down around her neck.

“Hey, what’s happening?” Musa asked confused as to why all three of them were in her room.

“Have you seen Tecna?”

Musa shook her head and she went back to highlighting a passage in her book. “Nah, she's been off of the radar.“

Bloom clapped a hand to her forehead in sudden realisation. “Oh! I totally forgot, wasn’t she going over to Red Fountain to work with Timmy?”

“Oooh,” Stella cooed, grinning wickedly. 

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Stella asked wiggling her brows. Bloom decided to ignore the innuendo.

“I know she was planning to, but I don’t know if she ended up going. I didn’t hear her leave. Why? What did you need?”  Musa questioned.

“Flora needs a spell to fix my clothes,” Stella put in quickly.
“Doesn’t the nocturnal ivy have restorative abilities?” Musa asked the girl.

“Oh yeah! I could boil it and combine it with a drop of sparkly parsley oil,” Flora said with a smile. She hurried over to Musa and Tecna’s wardrobe. “I’ve been keeping the nocturnal ivy in here, since it likes the dark and this room gets the least amount of light,” she explained as she swung open the door.

A little shriek escaped from Flora when she saw what was inside the wardrobe. Standing inside the wardrobe, wrapped from head to toe in vines was Tecna, looking very unimpressed and red in the face.

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