𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟶𝟼

Comincia dall'inizio

I want to sleep more...

Ugh what time is it anyways?

9 am...

What time is that park open again?


Right 10am.

Still an hour to get ready...

After fighting with myself to actually get up and ready, I went and did my morning routine as always, or else I wouldn't hear the last of it from Nana. And I prefer it being quiet rather than non-stop blabbing about shit.

Mom made breakfast for us. After eating, I bid adieu to them saying I'm going out with Kiki and Nana.

"Alright take care! Don't be out too late."

Walking out of the comfort of my home, I catch a glimpse of Kiki not far behind me.

Thinking I should just wait for them here, I just lean back near a wall.

"Good morning, M/n-kun." Kiki greeted formally.

"Yo, M/n!"

"Morning Ki-kun."

"Heh..? No morning to me?"

"Hmm? Why should I? If I remember correctly you hated me. So why would you want a greeting from someone you hate, hmm?"

She looked at me unsatisfied by my reasoning. "Agh! Fine, I don't hate you. Satisfied?"

"Well then good morning to you too Nana, and yes I very much am."

"Let's go already, it's gonna open in 15 minutes."

"Not like we're gonna be there all day." I shrugged.

"Excuse me, I'm the one paying the tickets here, and I say we're staying there till night!"

"Fine, fine whatever you may wish."

"Good good."

I think I saw Kiki get uncomfortable near us. Why would that be?

"We're almost there you guys." Kiki pointed out.

"Oh? You're right nii-chan."

We could see Tropical Land in the distance.

"So what are we gonna do first when we're there?" Nana asked out of the blue.

"You pay for the ticket first." I stated the obvious.

And I could feel the disappointment from here.

"I'm joking, it's your money anyways plus you're the one inviting me. So guess we can go with your decision."

"Hmm... then you boys will follow my lead."

"Hai hai~" Ki-kun and me agreed to it.

When Nana was buying the tickets I spotted someone familiar.

Oh? Shin-chan and Mouri-san are here? On a date perhaps? That's interesting... And from my experience with him, there's bound to be a murder. I'm calling it. He's a murder magnet.

"Hey I got the tickets! Let's go!" And... Nana shouted near my ears.

"Ouch. Yeah, let's go." I said holding my left ear.

Entering Nana immediately pulled me and Kiki straight to the carnival games section.

"Let's do this one!" She said, excitedly pointing to a dart throwing game. "Let's see who can get it the closest to the bullseye."

𝚄𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 (Slow AF Updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora