Chapter Two: Mango juice

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You emerged from a sleek black Mercedes, wearing sunglasses to shield your eyes, your face perfectly highlighted with makeup. Black shorts hugged your legs, stopping just above your knees, while a black and white belt emphasized your slim waist. The collar of your shirt hugged your neck, and the short sleeves revealed your toned arms. High heels adorned your feet.

With a confident stride, you stepped into the towering building marked as 'The Kims.' The sound of your heels echoing like a declaration of your presence.

The clicking sound of your heels announced your arrival, each step commanding attention. The employees noticed your entrance and promptly bowed in respect, just as Jin had instructed them to treat you with the same reverence as him.

You lowered your sunglasses, reveling in their deference, acknowledging their show of respect with satisfaction. Despite your haughty demeanor, you possessed a polite and kindhearted nature, bowing slightly in return to each employee you passed by.

As you stood in front of the elevator, the button pressed, you casually blew on your nails while waiting for the elevator to arrive. The sound of the ringing bell reached your ears, signaling its arrival.

You looked up, only to find yourself face-to't face with the person you least wanted to encounter-your enemy, the man who invoked feelings of hatred within you. His normal expression turned to one of intense animosity. Your own expression mirrored his, filled with equal hostility.

You muttered under your breath, "Asshole," as you attempted to close the elevator doors, wanting to avoid any potential confrontation. However, before you could do so, he stepped out of the elevator, stopping the doors from closing.

The employees surrounding you noticed the tense atmosphere between the two of you, realizing that a scene was about to unfold. They halted their tasks, eagerly anticipating the impending drama.

The tension intensified as he spoke in a voice seething with anger and rage. "I'm sparing your life this time," he declared.

He stumbled slightly as you pushed him away. In response, he quickly regained his footing and grabbed your wrist, forcefully shoving you against the wall.

His hand clenched around your throat, and he slowly applied pressure, making it difficult for you to breathe. You retaliated frantically, kicking at his leg in an attempt to break free. The employees nearby grew panicked, watching the violent altercation unfold.

He winced in pain as you bit down forcefully on his other hand, forcing him to release his grip from your throat. He let out an angry groan, rubbing his injured hand.

With clenched teeth, he glared at you, his voice filled with hostility.

"You ugly," he growled aggressively, his frustration evident in his tone.

You shouted back at him, your voice filled with anger,

He clenched his fists tightly, still nursing his injured hand from your bite. He raised his voice even more, shouting back at you.

"THAT ELEVATOR ALMOST KILLED ME BECAUSE YOU PRESSED THE BUTTON, UGLY COW!!" he yelled, his voice sounding hoarse and strained.

You retorted with equal fury, yelling back at him.

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