Joe is off somewhere doing work or something. Things haven't been too good between us recently and I don't know what to do about it. It's not like we had a fight, we haven't fought since the whole picture in the hospital situation. But it's just that we don't have time for one another these days and it's taking a toll on our relationship. With quarantine still being a thing one of us always are with Ellie up until bedtime, but when she sleeps, we are either too tired to talk or we have work to do. There just isn't enough time in the day for us to spend some much-needed quality time together. 

I take Ellie with me over to the playroom and set her down with pillows around her and help her sit up. We are currently working on sitting on her own and she can now with a little support, and we still keep some pillows around just in case she falls. 

"You know my little munchkin. In not that long we are going to try without mommy's boobies at night. What do you think about that? Do you think you're ready to not eat during the night? I think you're getting there for sure. and we are almost at the time where it's appropriate to have you in your nursery, wont that be fun?" I keep talking to her while gently having a hand on her back to help her sit and having her hold a toy that she is really loving at the moment. she is really loving the skip hop bandana buddies animal activity toy now. Its soft so it's easy to hold but it has different textures different places so its lots of different things to explore. 

"When you go down for a nap Ellie mommy is going to order you some new stuff doesn't that sound fun. It's time to get you some toys for 5month olds. And you're growing out of some of your clothes, so you need some new onesies too" I tell her as a matter of fact, but she just smiles at me without actually knowing what I'm saying. 

We have learned that she just loves to hear us talk about all and everything. It's also apparently good for their development to hear us talk a lot, so I don't mind. Especially now that joe and I haven't been too close I can at least talk with Ellie. With the pandemic still being a problem, we haven't had people over in a really long time, so I think that's making matters worse too. Thankfully it seems like its slowly getting better now, at least here in Nashville. I'm thinking of talking with my mom if she could watch Ellie for a bit so joe and I could get some time alone, I think we really need it right now. 

"Do you think I should call grandma my little munchkin? I think so" I say and grab my phone and call her but putting her on speaker so I could focus on Ellie and not holding my phone. 

"Hi mom, how are you?" I say when she picks up. "Hi honey, I'm good. how are you?" 

"Right now, Ellie and I are playing with that toy you sent us on the floor. We just had some food which was nice wasn't it, Ellie?" I coo her and my mom laughs. "it's so much fun when they can start to eat stuff" 

"Yeah. Mom, I wanted to ask you something. I don't know if you feel comfortable not being home yet, with everything going on I totally get that. But if you're alright with it I would love it if you could watch Ellie for a bit maybe tomorrow, joe and I... we need some time together I think... things are not going to good right now" I say and take a deep breath. I really miss feeling the sense of closeness with joe, he is my best friend so when we don't even talk about other things than Ellie its lonely in this big house. 

"of course I would love to watch her. You and joe deserve some alone time after five months of constantly watching her. It's no wonder that things are hard now, I feel completely comfortable. Besides, I know Ellie is dying for some time with grandma" she says, and I smile, I really love my mom. 

"Thank you. Do you want to come here, or should I drop her of at your house?" I ask. 

"Maybe I should come there. Since she got all her stuff and such there and knows the place it's probably best" she says, and I agree. "Sure, let me just talk to joe and I will call you back later" 

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