... if it isn't the consequences...

Start from the beginning

"Don't even try." He hissed. "I know you've been following the two of us for the last two days, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it." he hissed.

"You've been moping around us like a wet rag, Alec can't sleep and he wouldn't tell me what's wrong, and I just know it has something to do with you. BUT, both you and Loverboy seem to be too stubborn to talk it out like proper adults. So, spit it, Hoohoodale!"

Jace opened his mouth at the nickname. "How did you just..."

"That's not the problem here, Heronfail. Wanna talk or not?" he waved his perfectly manicured turquoise fingernail at his face in a way that didn't left Jace much chance to argue.

Blond clicked his tongue and leaned back in the armchair. He had to tell somebody! And, if that couldn't be Alec, Magnus did seem like the next best option!

"Promise you won't tell Alec."

Magnus stared at him.

"...oh boy."

He clicked his fingers, at which glass of something cold and alcoholic appeared in his hand. Exasperated look settled on his face.

"Is this more of a "I stole a magic dagger from Silent brothers' archive of old weaponry and now the Clave is looking for it" kind of don't tell Alec, or more of a "I attacked pack of rogue werewolves with paint bombs and water balloons, and now they covered Institute in toilet paper while you were on a two-day trip to Idris" type of call?" Magnus asked in a breath, sipping at his drink.

Jace moved his jaw nervously. "That happened once, warlock."

"And I believe Alec gave you a very good reason not to do any of those things ever again, huuuh?"

Jace felt the tips of his ears growing red from embarrassment. Magnus chuckled.

"Oh, please, like those were the only times I saw you in hot water with Alecky. Remember that time you decided to blow the leaves from backyard by evoking a young wind-connected demon? That one was painful to watch..."


"How you ran away from both him and Alec, though, was quite amusing. You really put on a show that..."

"Shut up!" Jace squeaked. He was as red as a tomato at this point.

Magnus widened his eyes and sipped at his drink again, smacking his lips a few times afterwards.

"What a mouth on you today! But alright, we do have more pressing matters to discuss, don't we? So, what's going on?"

Jace breathed in, feeling his head spinning a little. Magnus often had that effect on people, it seemed.

"So, you remember that.... situation we had a few nights ago?"

"You mean when you and Baby Dracula snuck out to get yourself killed?"

"Yes... No, wait, no!" Jace raised his hands in the air. Magnus rolled his eyes, in a way that indicated he spent way too much time with Alec. Jace swallowed down the shiver that went through his spine.

"Okay, so, you know what...khmm.. happened in the office?"

"No." Magnus looked at his with eyes half closed. "But now that you mentioned it, that was when he started acting weird." His eyes flashed yellow for a split second. Once again, his voice turned deadly calm.

"Did you have a fight? Did he went too hard on you?"

"What?! No, Alec would never do that!"

Jace felt surprised Magnus would even ask something like that.

A lying shadowhunter and a big bad ball of gooWhere stories live. Discover now