Catch Of The Day

911 18 4

Cleo and I had gone upstairs. She had called for Kim, and we were in the kitchen. 

"Uh, dishes?" asked Cleo

"Ten dollars" said Kim 

"What? You only charged 5 to do them yesterday" said Cleo

"You want me to keep on doing your chores? Well, my price has gone up. Besides, I want to watch TV" said Kim

"Heres a 20. Do today and tomorrows, or any other day's chores. But don't ask for more money until you've done more chores" I said, I had a lotta money, my parents send me $100 every 2 weeks. They keep moving from place to place and getting rich, lol. 

"Thank you, Y/n. I guess you're more of a better sister than Cleo" said Kim

"Yeah. I won't take that as a compliment. Cleo is a better person than me, and just because you said that, and took her for granted, your next payment will be $5 off" I said

"What? But--" started Kim

"That was jut me being kind. You want me to make it so you don't get any money?" I asked, Kim shut up, and did the chores "Good" 

Don, Cleo's dad called us over to the TV, it was about sharks

"Dang, TV light is too low. Can't see a thing. Bye, guys" I said


We went to the cafe, and we saw that Lewis was already there with Emma and Rikki

"Hey, girls, guess what? These guys can hold their breath for 15 minutes" said Lewis

"Nah. I've tried it. We can go for like what? 30-40 minutes?" I asked

"What's going on?" asked Cleo

"They're talking about swimming as a mermaid" I said, Cleo nodded

"So has anyone been able to finish that calculus homework? Question 7 is a nightmare" said Cleo

"We missed you guys this morning. Why weren't you answering your phone?" asked Emma

"The project on Geography, that's due Thursday. We really need to get together on that one" said Cleo

"Listen, Cleo. Whatever happened to us is incredible. You've got to come with us. The water is amazing" said Rikki

"I'd like to come. Cleo?" I asked

"I'm not doing it, ok?" asked Cleo "I didn't ask for any of this to happen to us. So stop bugging me about it, ok?" then Cleo went away

"I'm going to give her some space" I said


I was back at the school. I met up with Lewis. 

"Hey, Lewlew" I said

"New nickname, huh?" asked Lewis

"Yup! Oh, there's Cleo. Come on" I said, as we went to Cleo 

"Hey, Cleo. You want to go hang out at the mall later?" asked Lewis

"Busy. Sorry" said Cleo

"Cleo, look. I know these recent developments have hit you pretty hard, but you can't hide forever. And just because you're...*whisper voice* a mermaid--" started Lewis

"I'm not one of those things" said Cleo

"Cleo. Look, you're obviously a little freaked out by it. But that's ok. This all has happened for a reason. We're gonna have to accept this. Just give it a try, maybe you'll like it" I said

H2o Just Add Water (Lewis McCartney X Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now