we're gonna be ok

442 6 0

TW!! rape/ SA

Ages: Bumi: 24 Izumi: 23 Kya: 22 Tenzin: 20 Lin: 19

it was around 2 am when kya woke up to a knock on her door. The water bender groaned and got up to answer it. She opened to door to reveal Lin with tear stained cheeks. "Lin what happened" The healer asked worried for her friend.

"I didn't want to do it, I didn't but he made me" Lin started crying again and feel into kyas arms.

"hey, hey its ok tell me what happened" kya rubbed lins back, giuded her to the couch and sta next to her placing her hand on top of her friends.

*flash back*

"come on Lin my dad getting old there needs to be more air benders"

"Tenzin we're still young your dad has plenty of time, we don't need kids yet." Lin argued

"Oh please its never to early to start trying." Tenzing encuraged

"Tenzin I'm not ready for kids I'm gonna be chief soon I can't throw that away for kids."

"please we've never even had sex don't you wanan know what it feels like"

"not realy we're not even married"

"come on Lin please"Tenzin whined they argued a bit longer before Lin finaly gave in.


Lin slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake up tenzin why'd I agree to that, that was horrable The earth bender thought. She sliped back into her cloths wishing she would have worn her armor. She left the Island quietly trying to figure out where to go. Her mother and her had had another fight so she couldn't go home. Izumi was busy packing to mve back to the fire nation with her fiance. Kya? probaly the best option.

*end of flashback*

"Lin thast horable" kya hugged her friend again as Lin started crying agian " I can't belive he did that to you, we need to tell my mom" Kya encuraged

"n-no please don't tell her, or anyone" Lin leaned father into her friend

"but they can help"

"no lets just forget about it" Lin said wiping her tears


"please, can we just go to sleep" lin looked up at kya

"sure" Kya said but Lin was already sleeping on the waterbenders chest.

*ta month later  later*

Lin had been staying with kya for the past month she went to work the first two weeks but stoped going when she started throwing up daily and constently feeling sick. Both her and kya knew what it ment but nobody wanted to admit it. until one morning when kya was holding Lins hair back as she threw up yet again. "Lin I think we need to have my mom check on you"

"no-no please don't I don't want people knowing"

"but we need to make sure you and" kya took a big breath before continuing "thee baby you might have are healthy" she finish

"you're a healer you can just check on me when I need" Lin resoned

"not even half as good as my mom, I'd feel better if I knew she checked on you."

"fine" Lin gave in throwing up again

*a few hours later*

"hey mom thanks for coming" kya hugged her mom

"so this is where Lins been, people have been worried espesily Tenzin" katara said and Lin shuddered

"yeah" kya said quietly until katara spoke up after a bit of silince

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